It sounds like a simple name of justice department, but it's not so easy... Sex Department comes from long route of urban war, gratuitous discrimination and a lot of distorted noise. Sex Department is a shake of happiness and sadness, criminality and honesty, depravation and purity, in short, is a fuckin' '80 rock'n'roll sleazy army, believing only in the rock'n'roll rules and trying to bring back the old and unique rock'n'roll spirit lost in this electronic sea. Sex Department is the new musical revolution !!! Fuck! In a world of atomic danger, war threats, total madness, conducted by walking disasters masked as good people, these guys hope their songs will create the right atmosphere in your nostalgic heart or new feeling in the soul of today's boys and girls.THE SEX DEPARTMENT CODE OF HONOR
Article 1
You are a volunteer, serving Rock'n'roll with honour and fidelity.Article 2
Each soldier of Sex Department is your brother in arms whatever his nationality, his race or his age might be. You show to him the same close solidarity that links the members of our rock'n'roll's family.Article 3
You respect all traditions of rock music and your superiors. Discipline and friendship are your strengths. Courage and honesty are your virtues.Article 4
The mission of rock'n'roll for you is sacred. It is carried out until the end, in the respect of the customs of war, if needs be, at the risk of your own life.