Released in 1998, "Wanderlust" was the 1st sign that The Melancholic Youth Of Jesus’ (mYoj) sound had gone a long way since the release of "Lowveld" - back in 1994 (Later Re-issued in 1995/96) - and thus introduced mYoj’s own personal sound; "Noisy guitars slashing against sensual waves of pop melodies, nostalgic vocals (and lyrics), weeping over persistent minimalist bass-lines, while a restless percussion section created a silent and intimate dialogue with a crystal clear string section".
All added up, this was the sound that mYoj had endeavoured to explore, and thus justified their abscence from the scene, after the end of their "Lowveld Tour", which forced the band to play for over 10 months in a row...
(C)&(P) - mYOGENIc, 2008