??? Do people still read?
50 questions for your myspace profile
Where were you born?: florida
In what year?: 1978
What color is your hair?: blonde (again)
What color are your eyes?: blue or green (depends on my mood)
How tall are you?: 5'11"
What size are your feet?: 7 1/2
Are they ticklish?: a little
What's your favorite movie?: titanic
Whats your favorite TV show?: grey's anatomy
Who's your favorite actor?: denzel
Actress?: no preference
Type of music?: hip hop and top 40
Artist/band?: carrie underwood (yes I know she is not hip hop)
Color?: purple
Sport?: football (to watch of course)
Food?: mexican
Season: spring
School Subject?: none
Do you have a best friend?: yes
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
How many close friends do you have?: 5
Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?: crown and coke please
Dogs or cats?: i like them both, but have a cat
Desparate Housewives or Gray's Anatomy?: GREY'S!!
Where were you when you first heard about the hijackings on 9/11?: working the counter at FEI
Whats the furthest from home you've been?: alaska
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?: africa
Who was the last person who said hi to you?: dawn
Made you mad?: he know's who he is
Helped you fix something?: daddy
Drove you somewhere?: steve
Bought you something?: dawn
You called?: dawn
You Messaged?: debbie
Sang to you?: with me? dawn
Read to you?: huh?
Have you ever laughed so much milk came out of your nose?: don't drink milk... but soda - yeah
Got gum caught in your hair?: when i was a kid
Ate dog food?: YUCK - no
Kissed a dog?: yeah
Aced a test?: of course
Stayed up all night?: sure
Gone a day without eating?: yep
Gone 2 days without brushing your teeth?: not that I recall, but won't say it didn't happen
Can you pat your stomach and rub your head in a circle at the same time?: probably not
Stand on your hands?: of course not
Wiggle your ears?: no
Speak another language?: i skipped high school spanish to go to taco bell - what do you think?
Make a wine glass hum with your fingers?: wine glasses are for drinking not humming
Whistle?: a little
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