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The Voices of Elderon

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

October 1, 2008, DAVID THORNE will finally be unleashed!
Welcome to Elderon

My name is Emma Fieldlilly, owner of The Mystic's Magic Shop, located in Elder Square, and I'll be your tour guide through the streets of our beautiful city. But first, a word or several about our world.

Elderon is a pocket world, created thousands of years ago when a blue dragon sacrificed his life to give the Ancient Mysticals a world of their own....a place free from persecution and war with the Mundanes (the people in what would later be referred to as the electrical world).

As time raced along, Elderon grew to accommodate the increasing population of Mages, Dwarves, Hobgoblins, and countless other Mystical beings. However, back when Elderon was first formed, the varying races decided to go their separate ways, to avoid future conflicts with one another....they were, after all, divided in how Mundanes should have been treated.

Now, several millennium later, cities have risen to towering heights, all of them built by and run by magic. Elder City, the first in Elderon, is the central hub of their world…the biggest city ever built. It's a place where technology is based on magic, like electricity is in the Mundane world. Where streets float across the sky, connecting many of the buildings to one another. Where alleys hover between structures, at all heights, and where sidewalks line the buildings at every level. Don't not miss the views…the sea of towers and spires reaching into the stars will take your breath away.

Just stroll through Elder Square, the heart of Elder City, and your senses will be met by the sounds of life…music drifting out of shops, bells clanging as customers take to their favorite stores, people talking on their mysticoms (magical cell phones). Watch your ears though, as the ovalaires (self-flying taxis) honk their horns in protest at being stuck in the sky-traffic overhead. Or, if you're brave enough, rent your own flyer. Yes, you too can take to the skies and weave your way through the maze of brick and stone like a pro. Why? Silly! All the flyers, including the ovalaires, are powered by magic, which is great because you don't have to bother yourself with some chatty driver who might just get the directions wrong anyway.

And speaking of over head, don't forget to look up. No matter where you are in Elder City, you will find countless Hydra-Vs suspended here and there. Those are the waterfall screens that float high above the can get the latest news, weather, and sports updates...not to mention the latest info on sales going on at the local shops.

Just make sure you eat before you head out for the day, or the smell of freshly baked goods wafting out of Poppins Treats (the most popular treat shop in town) will drive you crazy.

By the dragons! I went by there last week, and the smell of Julina Poppins's world-famous Frapeeze hit me like a cannon. And when I ordered a box of Flying Ants...oh god, those chocolately little goodies....I can never resist those. Well, let's just say my thighs aren't going to be thanking me any time soon. But, what can you do, right? When the chocolate beckons, you lose all control over your personal being.

And listen, watch your step wherever you don't want to find yourself bumping into a gnome. They're known for their thievery. And they hang with the likes of hobgoblins. They're the worst thieves! Steal your shoes right off your feet before you notice.

And if you need a powerful potion to rid your house of those pesky morphers, drop by the Kingdom of Dwarves....dwarves are, after all, THE mysticals who make the best and strongest potions and powders. Or perhaps visit the Mystic Mecca, the city's largest shopping mall…a place where you never know what will be waiting for you around every corner. Could be that perfect set of men's robes, the most amazing cloaks in town, and especially that velvet dress all the girls will be wearing this season, according to Mystic Rage, the hottest, most fashion savvy magazine in the world.

"By the dragons! All the top models have been in that magazine! Which reminds me, I need to send them a firewire to renew my subscription!"

And don't worry about how it looks in the'll model itself for you, so no surprises there on how it looks from all angles. Just don't lock yourself on the first one you see. I mean, the choices are endless at the Mecca! And don't even get me started on Portals of Fun! OMG! THAT you'll have to see to believe!

And for the kiddies, unless you're planning on taking them into Majicleeze Toys, don't even go near that place. I mean, the animated toy soldiers that float against the building while banging away on their golden drums are enough to entice even the grumpiest adult. Just step inside, into a toy store unlike any you have every experienced, where toys battle for you attention, where you can....well, let's just say it's a place where fun knows no bounds or age limit.

"I'm telling you, they sell the absolute BEST hoverisk flyers in town!"

For those of you new to hoverisk flyers…think of those skateboard things Mundanes roll around on....only these are shaped like dragons and stuff....and they fly....not roll!

For those writers and readers, check out Timeless Books, where the motto is "If we don't carry it, it hasn't been written yet." I'm telling you, this is the coolest bookstore ever! Just yesterday this kid was trying to learn this spell, and he sprouted lips on his forehead. I tried to be kind and look away. But come on! I couldn't stop laughing me butt off!

Oh, oh, oh, and don't forget to go see the blue dragon. It sits in the center of Elder Square…great photo opp, btw. It's a life-sized monument of the dragon that sacrificed his life for the ancient mysticals.

And after all the sightseeing, if you feel that hunger bug nipping at your belly, I would highly recommend Dargon's Diner (for those duckitt-conscious munchers), or Biggels Bistro (for those seeking more elegant fare. Call ahead though. Tables go fast...oh and they have a dress code...cloaks and gowns a must). And if you don't know what to order, hey, they've got you covered. There's a self-writing menu floating just outside, and the specials are always to die for!

Or, if you feel like just wetting your whistle, there are a number of taverns scattered throughout the city. Now, the one with the best food is easily the Witch's Brew, which you can check out…it's a little pub down in the Narrows (in Old Town). You'll know it when you see's that seedy little joint on Gorgon Path. I'm telling you…no one in their right mind goes down there without something to prove, or unless they already live there. So if you're like the average traveler or city hitter, I'd just stick to the safer parts of town. And no tough-guy attitudes, okay....Enforcers rarely make their way down there, so if you run into trouble, no one's coming after you. So you know what…never mind....just go somewhere else. I'd hate to be held responsible for the newest missing person poster to appear against the wall of every building in town.

So there it is, go where you like, see what you find, and have fun. There is so much to see and do in Elder City, that you could easily spend your entire life here and never see everything this place has to offer.

But....and this is a ginormous BUT…whatever you do....wherever you go…DO NOT GO INTO THE EASTERN WOODS! This is not only friendly advice I'm giving you here, it's also valuable life-saving-need-to-know information. People have vanished just going NEAR that place. And the few who've braved the attempt and survived, have come back with stories of growls erupting from the black trees.

Dragon's breath! No dark dark thoughts."Okay think of dancing bears and happy things. Bright things. Things that won't come after me for invading their space."

Please enjoy you visit. And if you are a citizen of Elder City....

Welcome home

The Mystical Behind The Magic
NOTE: Nothing you read here is excerpted from the books. They ARE the VOICES of THEIR words. Here, you will find out what happens on a day-to-day basis in the life of Elderon...between scenes that do in fact appear in the books....and between the books themselves.

DAVID THORNE: The Golithian Orbs Ten-year-old, David Thorne never dreamed cities could be made of magic. He never thought it possible that people could fly around on discs shaped like dragons, talk into cell phones made of water, or float along on sidewalks that sit thousands of feet in the air. Never did he expect that beyond his mirror waited a world where enchanted cars could fly on their own, where television screens could be made of waterfalls and hover over a city wherein anything is possible. And never did he expect, when he stumbled upon that world, that he would not be accepted, that he would be feared by every citizen, and that he would be hunted by the police for invading their realm.

Welcome to Elderon…


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet the singer from The Inferno Sisters! By the dragons, they are the best music group in all of Elderon!

Oh, and the Waterman! By the dragons, his music is so transcendent!

I'd also love to meet Guardian Grimley....for dinner! Please don't tell him I told you that. I would just die!

My Blog

The names Raven.....Raven Savoy!

Dear Diary, I have to keep this short. I'm meeting Charlie at Poppins Treats. We're supposed to go shopping for scepters today. I hope he doesn't get there first. I think Gideon's going too, and if he...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 03:02:00 GMT

Personal Log....Aramis Grimley

Guardian Grimley. Personal log.I spoke with Paulius Finnelhaegan a little while ago. Seems he found two of them. All we need now is the third. My only hope is that I'm not too late've been...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 15:19:00 GMT

Just call me David.....

Hi. My name is David. It's my first night in Elder City. You gotta see this place! Oh my god! It's so awesome! The problem is, ever since I got here, people keep looking at me like I'm this outsider.....
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 00:12:00 GMT