My life is sort of complicated from the outside looking in, but even more so inside looking out. I have a beautiful son, Wylie, he'll be 4 in January, and he truly is the light of my life. His father and I are currently going through a divorce, but have managed to remain friends through it all, by nothing but the grace of God. Wylie has shown great strength through the divorce, by being my rock, he has been my saving grace through the entire thing. About 6 months ago I was given a beautiful gift, and his name is Nick. Nick is stationed in Ft. Carson, Colorado with the U.S. Army and will be leaving for Iraq soon. I truly believe with all of my heart, that God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed Nick and I in each other's paths. Mine and Nick's relationship has survived and maintained on nothing but phone calls, letters and one crazy trip to Georgia, amazing, huh? He has also been my rock through these last several months. I love him, and very soon, we'll be together again. I love my life, as psychotic and chaotic as it can be at times. I have wonderful friends and family that surround me every day of my life and I thank God for each and every one of them. I love my Razorbacks, going to the river at night, fishing with Wylie, Photography, going out with my friends, and giving off the fascade of being completely insane, everytime I open my mouth. I tend to be the loudest and least modest of all of my friends, therefore, I probably attract a lot of unecessary attention. I can be a bit of a hard-ass at times, I have a smart mouth, and I'm never afraid to stand up for what I believe is right, but all of this, is only because of what I've risen from. I think I deserve it a little bit! ;-) Anything else you want to know, just hit me up.
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