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Play like a champion today...

About Me

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hey people its me Manley, just a man trying to find his place in the world, currently working for Acme, trying to improve as a salesman, orignially from Ohio, but living out here in Delaware. I am waiting for an answer from my publisher on my first book, keep your fingers crossed hopefully this is the stairway to heaven and my first step towards being a successful writer. other then that I am a nice,funny,caring, and sometimes weird kinda guy but for me thats normal....a href="" target="_blank"

My Interests

Beer, Partyin,Football,Fishin,Movies, WRESTLING, AND WOMEN...

I'd like to meet:

A woman who doesnt mind being swept off her feet and charmed by yours truly... Other then that lets see maybe the Wright Brothers if I go back in time and meet them when they were working on there first flight, also Vince Lombardi,Woody Hayes,and Paul Brown some of the greatest coaches in football history..,


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Resident evil 1&2, Bachelor Party, Me Myself and Irene, Old School, Multiplicty, the Notebook, just to name a few...a href="" target="_blank"




The Caskey family, where would I be without them, they gave me a life

My Blog

True love will prevail

I cant even find the words right now to describe how I am feeling, not sad or mad, but just not understanding where the hell we went wrong, how did things get so bad between me and you? I think maybe ...
Posted by SHE FUCKIN HATES ME HAHA!!!! on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:53:00 PST

My Farewell

    This is it baby, I am going to go away for a while, I am sorry it has to be this way baby girl, we are at the end of our road, I wish it didnt have to end this way, but I must move ...
Posted by SHE FUCKIN HATES ME HAHA!!!! on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:50:00 PST

Remember Me and You...

Remember when me and you were the best of friends, we would do anything for each other. Remember when you were driving down the road and you saw me walking and stopped to pick me up. Remember when me ...
Posted by SHE FUCKIN HATES ME HAHA!!!! on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 09:51:00 PST

The Questions and the Answers....

     We go thru life asking all these questions but never having any answers,sometimes the answers are within ourselves, sometimes you have to go out and find them instead of waiti...
Posted by SHE FUCKIN HATES ME HAHA!!!! on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 02:50:00 PST

Life is to short

Today my life almost ended.... Sometimes you dont realize how fragile life is until you have a near death experience, I was walking home from work today when a black pickup truck swerved off the road ...
Posted by SHE FUCKIN HATES ME HAHA!!!! on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 04:47:00 PST

Whats a guy without a few true lady friends

Today I opened my eyes for the first time in a long time, I saw the light today I awoke from my long sleep, sometimes you fall asleep when you live life in the fast lane, you forget things, you miss t...
Posted by SHE FUCKIN HATES ME HAHA!!!! on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST