If I had to sum myself up in a paragraph or two..
I'd say that I'm a very reflective deep
thinker who is passionate about writing, natural health, fitness (free weights), music, cooking (I'm currently on an Indian food kick) the outdoors (hiking and camping), marketing, studying the Bible,
and last but furthest from least, The Lord. I'm generally a very positive and optimistic person who loves to laugh and make others laugh!
My dream in life is to roll all of the things I mentioned above into one by writing (and then marketing) books about health, fitness, and most importantly - the Lord. I suppose I'll just have to listen to music while writing my books in the outdoors to take care of the rest. :)
I set out on my dream this year by beginning my pursuit of a degree in marketing and by beginning the process of piecing my first book together. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store.
My theory is that a persons page itself can often tell you a lot about them - from their background image to the song they've chosen. So I'll explain my background choice..
I chose a desert mountain range as my background image because of the raw simplicity that mountains represent to me, and how that relates to a relationship with the Lord. So often it seems like we try to control and define our relationship with the Lord by which services we attend, by what " extracurricular church related" activity's we go to, by the number of groups we're a part of, by the music we listen to, etc.. These things all have some profit and benefit to them, but I feel we've made the church too corporate and sacrificed too many layers of the personal - all in the name of efficiency, productivity, measurable results, and formal structure. We're trying to be too much like the world.
I believe the truest and most pure form of worship comes when it's just you and the Lord with no outside influences or distractions. A time when your talking TO the Lord , and not just about him. When I see mountains, I picture Moses on the top of mount Sinai where he spoke and communed with God, or Elijah on Mount Horeb where he heard God's voice, or when the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness where he fasted for forty days. I long to be alone with the Lord on a mountain, both literally and allegorically.