Photography, computers, Mini Cooper autonomobiles, movies, music (electronic / house / jazz / classical), politics, science, philosophy, technology, sociology, books, etc.
Interesting people.
Electronic / house / jazz / classical. I like Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk as well as Massive Attack and Thievery Corporation to name a few.
Film Noir. Current favorite: Sin City. I love science fiction, but it has to be good science ficition. Examples: Pitch Black, Serenity.
Hooked on "24." Also liked MI-5. Was a big fan of the TV version of La Femme Nikita. I guess any techno-thriller styled programs. I cannot stand reality tv.
Atlas Shrugged. The Fountain Head. Dune. The Content of our Character: A New Vision of Race in America. The French Betrayal of America
Ayn Rand. Shelby Steele.