SEspider profile picture


Don't ADD me Without leaving a Message. Otherwise I'll DECLINE!!

About Me

..!-Custom OnLine Now Icon !-Solution Source: MySpace Code -!!-Solution Optimized for 80x20 icon. You WILL need to adjust size, clip and margin values for other icon sizes-! ! END code for Custom online Now Icon !


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...... body div table tbody tr td font {visibility:hidden;}.. table td div div font {visibility:hidden;}..


My Interests

God, women, art, friends, family

I'd like to meet:

Any young ladies with in four (4) years differance my age. Race is not importaint. But she does have to be willing to attend church, and NOT athist, or Pro-Abortion. Abortion is killing plain and simple. If you want to learn the facts, let me know. I have them. She has to be on the thin side. As thin as I am, it'll be very arkward if she isn't as well. I've tried to date ladies that were not thin, and we were never comfortable. I PROMISE that the break ups were always mutural. it'll also help tons if she spoke (or understood) English. Hearing and sight are not important. If she's also a Christian, it'll be a HUGE plus. And possibly the most important of all. She HAS TO be a REAL Woman. That means that she had to be a female from Before birth.


Christian (does not include Cathlic), Classical


Pretty much anything other then porn and hate


Can never get enough Cartoons and CSI. ^_^


The Holy Bible (King James Version Only) by GOD, Character Design By Chris Patmore.


God, Parents, Grandparents, Pastor Lorernza Stox, Rev. Hamet Petel, The USA Marines/Navy, Police, Fore Rescuers, President Lincoln, Presideent Ragen, President, G.W. Bush Dr. Martian Luther King Jr., Fred Rogers (Mr.Roger's Neighborhood), Bill Cosby, Andy Griffith, and so many more for one reason or another.

My Blog

Everyone Read This Now!! Very Important!!

 Once again, DeviantArt screwed up big time today. Resulting in my post not registering on the site for hours after being uploaded. Also I couldn’t update my Journal, or Featured Deviant. S...
Posted by SEspider on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:48:00 PST

Profile Errors Explained

If you're reading this then congratulations. You're one of possibly 2 two people to actually read my junk. So I'll get right to it. You've no dowbt noticed that my Flash has worrking links but it...
Posted by SEspider on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:45:00 PST Skull Picture Pack 1 available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, Download Now !

Saginaw, MI, (February 15, 2008) - and Disruptive Media Publishers have teamed up to release Skull Picture Pack 1. This pack includes two logos as well as four unique skull ...
Posted by SEspider on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 02:39:00 PST

New 360 Dashboard Profile LayOut!

Well, as my last bulliten stated, I had a "Phishing" problem.Thankfully it's now resolved. But to do so, I had to replace my profile. So I opted for a full overlay. This in turn hides pretty much ever...
Posted by SEspider on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 10:02:00 PST

It Was NOT ME!!

Hey All,  Some hacker managed to Phish my e-mail and password. Blissfully, MySpace caught it and I was able to change the info. So if anyone had gotten any messages from me that looked like Spam,...
Posted by SEspider on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:49:00 PST

Never Mind!!

Sorry guys and gals. The deal with Nick Busby did not fall trough. It's due to problems out of our hands. If you have Xbox Live and been searching for Nick's stuff, then you already know the reas...
Posted by SEspider on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 01:26:00 PST

My Friends MUST Read!! IMPORTANT NEWS!!!!!

 Okay, I've been working on a simple overlay for my Profile. And it's almost ready to be embeded. Just a few  Just a few Glitches to fix and graphics to add, and I'll be all set.  With ...
Posted by SEspider on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:33:00 PST

RSS Help Nedded ASAP!!

 I've ran into a new MUCH MORE fustrating Road Block with my client. Now I know you're not a Master Web designer or anything, so I don't expect you to know how to do this. But Figured I'll ask an...
Posted by SEspider on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:19:00 PST

Hospital Woes

Well, my life just keeps getting better and better!This past Thursday night I started to get badly sick, but it didn't stop me from attending work the next day. That Friday, I worked frrom 10am-10pm t...
Posted by SEspider on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:52:00 PST

Happy Birthday Gamers!

Great Googily Moogily, Batman!Four Friends have Birthdays Coming Up!I appologize to you all for not having the time to wish you all a blessed birthday with personal messages.So I'll like to Wish the f...
Posted by SEspider on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 01:33:00 PST