goats rutabegas robert and school. like dead languages, aramaic and stuff. and writing. and kevin smith movies and robert and stuff. and idk too many things to tell.
people who dont yell at me. or make me cry. or wake me up. or tell me to do stuff. or judge me. ok actually i wouldnt like to meet anyone but it keeps happening regardless.
anything really except like the beastie boys. i just dont have that much patience. basically whatevers on the radio. i dont know bands or song names very well. i can say this though, i love music in languages i dont understand. cuz then u dont think about meaning u just enjoy the barage of sound and idk right now i really like sound. lyrics kinda get in the way.
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.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END -nightmare b4 christmas; sin city; garden state; eternal sunshine; corpse bride; edward scissorhands; sleepy hollow; eurotrip; american pie; not another teen movie; terminator 2; young frankenstein; casablanca; north by northwest; psycho; dial M for murder; scream; space balls; star wars; gone with the wind; phantom of the opera; national treasure; indiana jones; all kevin smith movies. just u know, all good movies. and dont tell anyone, but the godfather, i like that one too
what's that? is it that thing that rutabegas grow in?
harry potter, series of unfortunate events, and lotr; anything fantasy; but i also love classic lit; twain and steinbeck r the best. idk almost anything
peter parker, my mom, mr. laird, dr. c, wednesday adams; natalie portman, zach braff; Sheppy, and Rick Blaine. and kevin smith, and george lucas even though he sold his soul to satin. oh and s e hinton and that kid who wrote eragon and jk rowling and everyone who lives their dream