After the unfortunate downfall of our distributor last spring we saw no other solution than to shut down in June 2006. It is not until now that we have gathered the strength to pick up the pieces and come back strong!
Today the label is under new management with a head office in Germany, but with its creative roots firmly planted in the Swedish soil. Our label founder, DJ Anti, and long time label assistant, DJ Bakke, are still responsible for selecting the music and creating the visual appearance while all economical matters, contracts, licensing etc are dealt with at the German head office.
Since Spiral Trax International does not exist anymore the focus will no longer be limited to Scandinavian artists. Our undivided attention now turns to the legendary Spiral Trax. We are back on track to provide you with top quality progressive on CD, vinyl and digital download from an array of international artists.
And that is not all! We will also release several artist albums that will surely fill your expectations.
If you want to book Anti, Bakke, Paulina Cewe or Tomic please send an email to
markus (at)
DJ ANTI & DJ BAKKE ,10 years 4dreams
Dj Anti & Dj Bakke @ 4Dreams Open Air 2009
Dj Bakke @ Somnambul 2008
Dj Anti @ Waldfrieden Wonderland 2008
Dj Bakke @ Fusion Festival 2007