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Alexa Fyre

I am here for Friends

About Me

Not much to know, really. I'm 19 (almost 20), and I live in the (not so) quiet suburb called Bethel Park. (No, it's not an amusement park. It's not really a park at all, to tell the truth.) I live with my mother, 2 brothers (soon to be 1! Yay!), sister (2 sisters on the weekends), 2 nephews, uncle, and 2 cats (Ivan and Goober). I'm quite fond of you already know or will soon find out. I work at a disgustingly shameful place (...I am ashamed...::bows head::). I love music, anything and (almost) everything involved with music, and my family. I am currently single (::sob::) and really not ready to date again yet. At least not ready to date anyone else. (Chelsea will know what I bopagpopipes) I'm a hopeless romantic (hence all the Robin McKinley and chick flicks below). I am Episcopalian and a FAITHFUL member (and regular attender) of the Church of the Ascension. (No, I do not like Katharine Jefferts Schori and I think we need to pray for her. VERY HARD. IN THE FACE.)(See what I mean about parenthesis?) I think of anything else....I'll let you know!

My Interests

Music, Poetry, reading, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnndd some stuff? I dunno....

I'd like to meet:

God Sean Patrick Flannery. Robin McKinley. Alan Rickman. Hugh Laurie. Stephen Fry. Probably some other people too....just can't think of any right now.


ANYTHING and EVERYTHING but rap....can;t stand that sorry excuse for music.


The Boondock Saints, The 10th Kingdom, Cabin Fever ( PAAAAAANNNNNNCAAAKKEEESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), PotC, Lotr, Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Kate and Leopold, A Fish Called Wanda, Fierce Creatures, Shutter (THE ORIGINAL! Not this Americanized CRAP!), Reincarnation, One Missed Call (Once again....THE ORIGINAL!), lots of horror movies (good and bad) and a whole hell of a lot more............I'm just too lazy to name them all. I LOVE MOVIES.


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, Lost, American Idol (...I am ashamed...), Animal Cops (all versions), Project Runway, Top Chef, The Pretender, E.R, Judging Amy, Supernatural, Night Stalker, Buffy, Angel, Family Guy, pretty much any and all Adult Swim, DEATH NOTE!, a whole list of anime...not writing them all out.....


Pretty much anything I can get my hands on. ANYTHING by Robin McKinley (Beauty, The Hero and the Crown, The Blue Sword, Deerskin, The Door in the Hedge, Spindle's End, etc.)(Murder mysteries are a lot of fun too. But I mostly stick to fantasy/adventure kinda books....) Harry Potter is always good but I just hated the last book. LOVE Stephen King. Especially the Dark Tower series. And his short stories. Life Expectancy (Dean Koontz) is one of my favorite books EVER.And lots and lots of other stuff..........reading is good fun, kids. You should try it.....Stay in drugs, Drink your school and DON'T DO MILK!!!...........


My mom, mostly. Pretty much my whole family actually. And, of course... MAH CHELSHEEE!

My Blog

Huzzah! A stupid little survey thingymabobber! (Stolen from Chelshee.)

1. Who was your FIRST Homecoming date?Never went to Homecoming. Went to ANTI-Homecoming though. With Chad and Mikaela. Orange Soda. That’s all I’m gonna say.2. What was your FIR?ST alcohol...
Posted by Alexa Fyre on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:34:00 PST