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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am happy, to be marrying a wonderful man ,to have the most loving family and the most caring friends on earth.I am lucky. I can walk and talk, and run if I please. I can see & hear and have a strong body. I am able to work and enjoy life.I am too serious. Sometimes I forget that life is a journey to be enjoyed. I try to remember to not let impatience, anger, or fear cloud my feelings. I am grateful. For the roof over my head, for the food in my fridge, & for the car I drive to work. I see homeless people on the street and I know that devastation happens, and I thank God for my blessings..I know that things could always be worse. I am humbled. Sometimes my attitude need adjusting and I am so grateful to Ryan for being the person to wake me up, and remind me to look at situations in a more positive light, to be a better person, or to be less judgmental and more open.I am surrounded. By amazingly intelligent and creative people who believe in our business. I will count myself lucky to have some of their wisdom & integrity rub off on me.I am creative. The light inside me shines warmest when I create something new, and can share it with those I love.I am human...just like you.

My Blog

People to People...Let’s start something together!!

As you may or nay not be aware, Natural Sundae, Inc., recently went 'LIVE!! We are now an internet presence to be reckoned with! Friends, family, & all who read this bulletin , please do us a f...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 00:43:00 GMT