Breakdancing lunch ladies,bicycles,cardboard,paint pens,coffee,turntablism,silly dancing,graff,penguins
Theodore Bikel,Gutevolk,Mum,Maher Shalal Hash Baz,UFO or die,Greenthink,Kimya Dawson,Half Japanese,Boredoms,Lightning Bolt,Rahsaan Roland Kirk,Daniel Johnston life in the so called space age , Bearcow
Suburban commando,400 blows,an american jogger,hidden fortress,La Strada,Alphaville,The day the earth stood still,Bed and board,Winged Migration,Amarcord,Enemy Mine,Orfeu Negro,The slime people,Style wars,Red light go and everything Werner Herzog has ever touched.
Animal planet,adult swim,conan,infomercials
Too many to list.