so ........ you like stuff!? i sure do, but i dont throw stuff away. for instance, i had to get some reports copied and sent out to Mr. Joe the other day when right in the middle of paragraph six, graph 2, my hp 49A cartridge blew out. did i panic? did i let my overwhelming stress of letting the Cartridges for Kids machine of goodness down? heck no, i popped the bad boy out and threw in a new one.........wild stuff. kidding, the wild stuff comes after the switcheroo, did that sweet biscuit hit the circular file? or is there another way?now i want you to close your eyes, keep them closed tight, are you ready? are you ready to bask the glory of all the wisdom i have to impart on you my flock? let us travel deep into the mystical world of electronics recycling....Everyone knows that children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way (thanks Whitney and the 80's)... so instead of throwing aways used electronics and printer supplies, kid ranchs aka "schools" and other organizations can now recylce their one time garbage in to large amounts of cash. Thats it guys, thats all i got. pretty easy, huh!? yeah easy for you, but it took me 2 hours to write this.... and watch 16 Candles, probably took you 2 or 3 minutes to read, maybe 10, depending on the severity of your A.D.D. So why dont you take that extra time that you have and spend it wisely. plant a flower, or a tree, tell someone you love them, speculate on the fluctuation of the neo chinese comu/capitalist market, make a sandwhich, but no matter what you do, make sure and seperate the paper from the plastic, the brown glass does not mix with the green, and never throw away anything that can be recycled!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !