All things geek, Mountain Dew, Simpsons, Computer Whatnot, Million-dollar Internet Ventures, Alchemy, Intricate plans that never seem to work out, Government Conspiracies ......yes they do exist, Marx's Theory of Ideology and False Consciousness
I'd like to meet:
Weirdos...(not the creepy weirdos, just the nerdy weirdos), People that don't suck, Alfonso Ribeiro, and other all-around enjoyable people............ I'm always looking for new people with the know-how to help me plan my latest caper.
I have a very eclectic iTunes library
Good Music CANNOT really be defined by genre......but bad music certainly can be. (i.e. twangy modern country & gangsta rap). Good music is good music.
anything Coen Brothers, Stanley Kubrick, Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson.....and of course, the Pixar films. I also enjoy the works of Bill Murray, Johhny Depp, and the Monty Python troupe (Life of Brian being my favorite).
The show ever,
The Shield and other FX shows, Futurama, Arrested Development, Chappelle's Show, [adult swim] minus the anime, and The History Channel.....
The Classics:
The shows of the past will always have great rewatchablity. I'm talking about series like The Andy Griffith Show and I Love Lucy.....these shows are fantastic.
All the little geeks that could........Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Paul Allen, Tom, etc........ and that guy that's worked at Blockbuster for ten years