I love music - singing and playing my instruments... I love cars and motorcycles... I've been collecting model cars for over a decade. I learned to ride a motorcycle in India 2 summers ago, and have been wanting to get my license here ever since... hopefully that'll happen this summer
Used to say anything but Country, but now thats changed... I'll listen to pretty much everything...just depends on my mood and the song...
Gone In 60 Seconds, Torque, Biker Boyz, Fast & the Furious I, II & III, Lord of the Rings, The Rock, Italian Job, Ocean's 11, The Lion King, Shark Tale, Con Air, Air Force One, Twister, Mission Impossible, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Sweet Home Alabama, Hunt for Red October, Remember the Titans, Gridiron Gang, You, Me & Dupree, Old School, Van Wilder...
BIBLE, Left Behind Series, Da Vince Code, Angels & Demons, Digital Fortress, Most of Tom Clancy's novels...