Colonel Mustard profile picture

Colonel Mustard

:. You get what you see...

About Me

'An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind'
A time of your moment if you would...
:. I enjoy to drive my
:. I enjoy to try different foods
:. I enjoy a cold beverage in the public house
:. I enjoy spending a stupid amount of money on tents with Minshull
:. I enjoy spending time thinking about life
:. I enjoy a nice bottle of scotch
:. I enjoy hounding people for money in my establishment of employment
:. I enjoy spending money on things that aren't always needed
:. I enjoy to often think I am better than everyone else
:. I enjoy playing squash at the gym
:. I enjoy playing a game of pool, or sevral
:. I enjoy occasional nights out clubbing
:. I enjoy rubbish horror flicks
:. I enjoy taking the piss out of pretty much everyone
:. I enjoy Colonel Mustard
:. I enjoy Reliant Scimitar's
:. I love being me
:. My cars above :)

My Interests

Like I said before, I LOVE music. I love bands like Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Bullet For My Valentine, 36 Crazyifsts, bit of Tool and that. There a lot of bands I like and I could go for a long list but i'm not going to. Simple

I love playing drums and bass. I love making music with my band and improving my skills. I like playing gigs aswell because there is lots of feedback on what was good and what needs improving so I try and work on this as much as I can.

Movies are a big part of my life, as they are what I watch until the wee hours of the morning. I have no life after work for the better part of the time so a nice drink and a film make me happy! lol. Stuff like From Hell, Event Horizon, The Thing, Enemy at the Gates. There are a lot of films I like.

I'd like to meet:

People I wold like to meet.....well, lets do this

Arnie - what a godlike man. I wanna meet him because hes acctually a robot. I wonder what its like to know a robot?

Bruce Campbell - my god, what better trilogy than evil dead. but bruce did go onto better things, like being an announcer in spiderman...and an usher in spiderman 2

Richard O Brian - The man behind the crystal maze himself. I just wanna know how he came up with such a great idea, locking people in rooms and all that

Captain Haddock from Tin Tin! He had some excellent curses for people. Blistering barnacles! Thundering typhoons!



Gangs of New York. Fight Club. Battle Royal. From Hell. Event Horizon. Hannibal. Terminator. The Thing. Evil Dead. The Beach. Secret Window. Big. The Terminal. Lost in Translation. George A Romero Films. Final Fntasy: Advent Children.


img src=" an-Partridgefull.jpg"


terry pratchet. stuff about things I like


The Minshull:
This guy, my best friend ever, my flatmate and my wife (obv). We do pretty much everything together and I guess it will always be that way, long live The Minsh
The Currie:
Fellow drinking partner and cousin of mine, and part of the Ken project (ft. currie). Great guy, sham about his crap car. Worth adding! (see my friends list)
The Ben:
Long term best friend and guitar teacher (when he wants to be). This guy can out play anyone on the axe of wrath. Funny as hell aswell. Worth adding!
The Hannah:
One of the best people I have ever met. She goes to Cardiff uni (sadly, she didn't take the chance to get out of Wales) and can drink only a small amount of booze before things really get funny! Great person! Love the Hannah x
The Jen:
Some people are just plain nice and always think of their friends, Jen is one of those people. I don't see her as much as I should and I don't give her enough credit for being such a great friend. But she is definatly one of the best!
The Benn:
A casually racist chap from Irby and fellow krazyhouse lord. Benn likes to spend his time not having a job and generally bumming about while drunk. He can outdrink any of you and still be standing!
The Skew:
Here he is the big geek. Fellow ex-panic movement member and the puller of many pints at the red. No one else will get this guy to go on random adventures but me. So many memories. Add him if your a fan of binge smoking!

My Blog

apparently....answer these

What stupid questions some of these are!!!!!!!!1 Do them anyway tho, like, Would You........ 1. Give me your number? 2. Have sex with me? 3. Let me kiss you?4. Watch a movie with me...even a really sa...
Posted by Colonel Mustard on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 08:36:00 PST


I get my GCSE results tomorrow! I'm not worried at all though, because as far as I see it worrying wont do anything. If I was going to do bad I would of been worried ages back when I was taking them. ...
Posted by Colonel Mustard on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST