-AIM Deearejay14
-EMAIL [email protected]
Me Myself & I!
They call me David
im a scorpio
The truth hurts
And i have no problem saying it
I LOVE all music
my life is my ipod
I love meeting new people
i may be shy when i first meet you
but once i know u i wont shut up
I am always dieting
If i dont talk to u
its cuz i dont know what to say
im not concieted
But my friends think i am
Im not shallow either
Stupid people annoy me
apparently im attracted to the slut look
but i dont think i have a type
im a camera whore
txting is better than calling
i wanna be in/famous
i can be pretty mexican at times
but im really hella white washed
i hate people who are ashamed of what they are
I like change
with change comes growth
Life is an adventure, explore
sometimes i can be really shy
sometimes i can be really outgoing
i LOVE my friends
i think i suffer from body dysmorphic disorder
I am intellectually gifted
But morally bankrupt
I think i need a shrink
im a nut case
I have no regrets
people think too much
lifes too short to care what people think
my goal in life is to be happy
live ur life the way YOU wanna live itLayout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace Layoutsstyleembed, object {width:0px; height:0px;} table table table embed, table table table object {width:320px; height:240px;} Hide Myspace music player