Exploding House profile picture

Exploding House

About Me

I am a house. I am located @ the corner of Hemphill and Page st. in the sunny, sunny southside of Fort Worth, TX. I have the best backyard in the state, and the most bitchin' sitting porch of all time. Like most people in FTW, I enjoy new and exciting things happening inside of me. If you wanna book a show, get in touch here, but please don't be a lame fucking band that expects certain things that a house like me can't provide, i.e. guaranteed money, pussy, or fun. For instance, Murder Junkies tried, but won't be booked here. I like fun, rad people that know that eating shit is about as much fun as tour can be, but also that eating shit can sometimes be fun.. and tasty. Also, if you are booked here...it would be awesome if you would send me an MP3 so's I can put it in the digital music player up top there, so people can hear the band they are going to eventually adore! Now, enough art...let's rock fuck.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/02/2008
Band Website: explodinghouse.com
Band Members: No one lives inside of me 'cept Vern, 'cause, you know, the party ain't easy.
Influences: 121 W. Moreland house (in atlanta). EWL house (wonderlake il). Highland House (denton, tx) Xtreme Dude Manor (denton, tx.), any number of houses in Michigan (mainly Grand Rapids), Phoenix House (Tulsa, OK- R.I.P.), House of Wylie (Bloomington, IN), The Dreamhouse (Arlington, TX), Bizarro Exploding House (The Nothing, Universe), Dumps House (Burritos and Facials, Long Island, NY), Halloween House (Indianapolis, IN)
Sounds Like: A house exploding (in a good way)
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


Hello all,We have 2 really amazing shows coming up- July 21- The Ergs!, Brickfight, Cattle Assassins(?), Others??July 22- Canadian Rifle (Chicago),  Solid Decline (Germany), Brickfight These will...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 14:03:00 GMT

Read Me Jerks

Ok, here's the cold hard truth, in list form.1. Feel free to ask us for a show, but chances are we aren't gonna be able to help you. Current circumstances dictate that we don't have the time to do mor...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 04:17:00 GMT