hanging out with my friends:B2K!!!!, singin in tha shower and in choir lol, listenin 2 music, talkin on mah cell phone, smackin up mah hoez (yeah jeff, i'm talkin bout u lol jp), reading b2k fan fiction, reading in general, going .., web design, writing stories and poems, buying b2k magazines, looking at pictures of b2k, fantasizing about b2k, anything that involves the former members of b2k, and being one of b2k's (still) loyal fans...
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all types of music but mostly R&B and Rock... my favorite singers/ bands are: B2K [that'll never change], Lil fizz, cky, omarion, and ciara.
You Got Served, B2K Live At The House Of Blues, Introducing B2k, B2K's Greatest Video Hits, Fat Albert, Haggard, march of the PENGUINS lol, and waist deep.
I only watch TV when Lil Fizz, J-boog, Or Omarion is on...
O by Omarion, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, and Rebecca by Daphne DuMarier
My Druggy Buddies... lol
Pengui, the Super Penguin!
Novak, for overcoming a tough addiction.
B2K, for breaking through and making it.
Lil Fizz, For getting back on his feet and coming back stronger than ever.
Omarion, For doing his thing as always.
Samantha, Vivian, and Icsia, for just being themselves, no matter what people think.
CKY, for doing what they do best, loving it, and being unconventional because it's right.
Jeff, for knowing what true friendship is and sharing it with me.
Shanai, for always being a great role model even when she makes mistakes.
Megan, for being who she is no matter who likes it or doesn't.
My family, for always forgiving.
My mother especially, for not letting anything discourage her and finding love after it all.