"...and i had a dream that i went to the mall by myself and there was this store with like 5 escalators right next to eachother and i was all alone and i was trying to find a bathing suit and everything in our mall was bigger and different.
and then i was at felicias house, cept it looked nothing like felicias house and i was in her room with her grandparents, how prolly look nothing like them and somehow they are old school and knew how to scratch and felicia just got her turntable that shed always wanted but left the room and her grandparent were like you try and i was playin it super good but like it didnt even look like a turntable there was little stickers on it with notes and you had to lift up the stick thingy and scratch it back down on the stickers to make notes and the whole edges of it was like lit by those light bright lights and there was a light bright brridge over the edge and that made a bass sound and felicia came in and was like your mom's heree and my mom was like "why dont you clean their couch for them?" "this place is messy" and they heard her and was like "is she always like that or goin through some problems, like in a bad mood today?" and then she came in and her grandma was like here and gave her some crazy chill pills and then felcia stareted playin but was messin up so i had to help her but dang so now you know how my mind dreams i guess"---Jessica
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Jay-Z My President is black Remix LIVE 1-18-09 from pleasedontstare on Vimeo ...