Fiachra O’Regan profile picture

Fiachra O’Regan

About Me

Fiachra Plays Traditional Irish Music on the Uilleann Pipes. He comes from Connemara in County Galway. In 2006 He won the All Ireland in the tin Whistle Slow airs competition, and in 2008 he won both the Uilleann Pipes and Uilleann Pipe Slow Airs competitions;I Started playing music in School on the Tin-Whistle and later took up the Banjo, But my main Instrument is The Pipes. I started Playing them in 1997.I have played in Australia and the USA and have recently been doing a few Gigs in Europe with a band based in Germany.I play regularly for Weddings and Events at home.I have recorded my first Album in March of this year, So hopefully it will be available during the coming weeks, Updates will be posted on this page and my Website:

My Interests


Member Since: 11/02/2008
Band Website:
Influences: Most of my tuition was from various summer schools around Ireland, It's a great way to access top class musicians and learn from them. I also listen to Old recordings of Pipers and fiddlers, I really love the natural style; music with personality.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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