RUNA rock & metal club profile picture

RUNA rock & metal club

About Me

Metal bar "Runa".Ovo je prvi metal bar u Zagrebu.Nastala je entuzijazmom i radom nekoliko ljudi,ali i cinjenicom da jednostavno ne postoji u gradu niti jedan,niti je ikad postojao neki,alternativni birc sa drugacijim pristupom mladim ljudima,a pruzio im ono sto najvise vole....DOBRU GLAZBU! "Runa" ima jukebox sa 200 giga glazbe-Grind Core,Death metal,Black metal,Thrash metal,Heavy metal,Nu metal ali i ambientala darka,gotha,dark-electro,industrial itd.Sigurno cemo zadovoljiti,sto nam je i zelja,svacije opredjeljenje u alternativnom glazbenom stilu.------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Metal bar "Runa".This is the first metal bar in Zagreb.It's a result of enthusiasm and work of a few people and a fact that there isn't and never was an alternative bar with different approach to young people by giving them something that they love the most....GOOD MUSIC! "Runa" has a juke box with 200 gigabites of music-Grind Core,Death metal,Black metal,Thrash metal,Heavy metal,Nu metal and dark,goth,dark-electro,industrial etc.We're sure we'll please,which is our intention,everyones taste in alternative musical style.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/02/2008

Myspace Layouts - Image Hosting - Forums

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Check out this event: THE FROST live, BALCK METAL CONCERT IN RUNA

Hosted By:Metal bar RunaWhen:09 May 2009Where:RUNA, metal barOpati ka 5, Gornji GradZagreb10000Description:THE FROST live, BALCK METAL CONCERT IN RUNA Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 12:55:00 GMT

Metal bar Runa wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the korpiklani party 12.11.2008.&l
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 06:23:00 GMT