About Me
Alchemetric is a company designed to unify the masses. In a time where the people are divided over economics, religion, politics, and many other avenues constructed to maintain separation amongst the people; Alchemetric is here to emphasize what unites us. The common factor amongst all people and nature is Sacred Geometry. All things are made up of shape and form. From the molecules within our human bodies to the way our planets rotate around the Sun, all things are composed of shape and form. As a people we must realize this and understand that we are all ONE, and UNIFY. Alchemetric’s slogan is simple: “A Reflection of Truth.†The only real truth that we need to recognize is that through shape we are all connected.
The Flower Of Life is an ancient geometric pattern found in many cultures and nations around the world. There have been Flower Of Life patterns found in China, England, Greece, Iceland, Iran, Israel, Japan, Lapland, Sweden, Tibet, Turkey, and the Yucatan.This is a universal pattern known also as the Language of Light or the Language of Silence. It is the primal language of the universe, made up of pure shape and proportion.This pattern is known as a flower because it represents the cycle of a fruit tree. The fruit tree makes a flower, which then goes through a transformation and turns into a fruit. The fruit contains within it a seed, which falls to the ground, then grows into another tree. So within this pattern there is a cycle of tree to flower to fruit to seed and back to tree again. This is the pattern of creation.
Metatron's Cube is a geometric design which is a symbol of the balance between male and female energies.The foundation of this design is the thirteen circles set up in six directions. These thirteen circles are know as The Fruit Of Life. The thirteen circles which make up The Fruit Of Life are symbolically considered female energy.When the center of the circles are connected with straight lines, which symbolize male energy, there appears the final design, known as Metatron's Cube.
Once the straight lines are connected with the centers of all the circles, five Platonic Solids or shapes appear. These five shapes are the foundations found in all architectural designs and structures.The five Platonic Solids are: the cube, the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the icosahedron, and finally the dodecacahedron.
All the Platonic Solids have corresponding primal elements associated with them. For instance, the cube represents earth; the tetrahedron represents fire; the octahedron represents air; the icosahedron represents water, and the dodecacahedron is considered either prana or ether, the life force.All of these Platonic Solids are found within nature in mineral or plant formations.
The diagram may be more accurately described as a bilaterally symmetrical figure composed of nine interwoven isosceles triangles, usually depicted with five triangles pointing downwards and four pointing upwards. The former are said to correspond to the yoni representing the dynamic female principle of energy (Sakti), while the latter correspond to the linga representing the static male principle of wisdom (Siva).