The story isn't long. But it's existing.
In august of 2007 the band started when Krille joined a previously dissolved project, as singer and bassplayer. Short after, following diligent advertising for a bassplayer, Manne got the chance to come for a try-out, it clicked right away and Manne joined the band. In the beginning we aimed our sights on rock, but pretty soon we saw our limitations and decided to change to Punk.
Early on there were ideas for good music and Krille and Mannes collaboration became the big part that made the band come anywhere at all the first few months.
In the beginning of January 2008 we went in to the studio to record our first and only song in English "Sweet Satisfaction", and then Krille had the bright idea to test Swedish lyrics without everyone being told, and that was to become what today is known as "Du Är Den Enda" ("You Are The Only") and also the first step into the world of Punk were we later on got stuck.
So now when we found our way to Punk it was back to the rehearsal room and try some new ideas. Pretty soon new song came to be made and in the same moment we were announced to play at EkenStock Festivalen during the 16th and 17th of May 2008. And to that our first gig, we wanted to have a demo with us, so after a couple of months of rehearsing we went back to the studio and recorded a demo, in real punkmanner, in a miced up studio.
And now in September we'll head back to the rehearsal room to start with new material but without Manne that has left the band due lack of time.