KILL SOMETHING profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

First and foremost, please do not simply add me as a friend just because you like what you see of me as a person or some figure or whatnot--heard it all... No, please, actually talk to me first and let's see if it's worthwhile being friends, on both our parts, before we add each other and take on the title of supposed friendship that the internet brings.
Now, please take a look at my page (actually scroll down the bars on both "About Me" and "Interests"), my blogs, and the survey below! There's also a survey under "Interests." ♥
BASIC INFO ABOUT ME – The Common Questions.
What Ethnic Background Are You? 75% Korean of Chinese descent and 25% German of Spanish descent.
What is your religion? I am a Spiritual Deist of Roman Catholic background and Shamanistic Buddhist origin.
Do you currently have a girlfriend/boyfriend? A fiancé.
Yin/Yang? Yin
Which way do you lean on politics? Moderate Republican
What is your sexual orientation? Homosexual biphile, meaning I am physically/sexually attracted to men only but do not limit love to just one gender—I am in love with a woman.
What is your current vehicle? 2008 Hyundai Elantra GLS
Where is your birthplace? Incheon, Republic of Korea, where McArthur made his landing in 1950.
What is a hobby of yours that you are rather shy about? I write books in my free time.
Do you practice any form or art? I used to play Tenor Saxophone.
Name one thing unique about yourself. I am a true nudist, meaning I stay naked as long as the law allows me to and I do NOT go to nudist resorts for sex, period. All of you that go to those resorts for the sex deserve to castrate yourselves for desecrating a respectable way of life.
What is an odd fact about yourself? I am a spiritual empath that can see, hear, and communicate with ghosts, angels, demons, deities, etc. This is NOT a blessing, mind you—ghosts can get VERY annoying.
What is one thing you wish to own? A 1972 Lamborghini Miura P400 SV
What is one thing you wish to build? Three things: a house of my design, a boat of my design, and a ship of my design.
Do you practice Christmas, Hanukka, or Qwanza? None of those: Yule
What is the word that people most often choose to describe you? ”Enigmatic,” but more often I get told that I stand out in a crowd.
What’s the physical feature on you that people compliment the most? Eyes
Where do you wish to settle? In the lower parts of New England.
Do you speak with any accents? When I get drunk off beer, you can tell that I’m from Tennessee. When I read aloud, you can tell I’m mostly Korean. When I get overly relaxed, you can tell I lived in New England before.
What’s the secret? Always put positive thoughts ahead of everything else and suppress the negative.
THE GAY QUESTIONS – Bit More Personal
When did you realize you were gay/bi? I was seven years old when I first found out. I tried to kill myself, but didn't know about safeties on guns, so I'm alive today. I figured "time would change everything," but discovered in 8th grade that it hadn't. After my first boyfriend, Alan, I denied it all over again, but now I regret that so much.
When was your first crush on a member of the same sex? In 8th grade. Little did I know that sometime in high school he had a crush on me as well--I assumed he was straight.
Are you out? Very much so.
What was it like when you came out? It was such a burden off my shoulders. My friends that were there to witness hugged me and said "Thank you for finally being honest. WE KNEW!"
Do your family/friends treat you differently? Some friends had to adjust to it. Others were happy that I finally had the courage to say it. Family, though...long story.
Have you ever been discriminated against because you're a homo/bisexual? Throughout elementary school, I was called "faggot" by the kids. I barely spoke any English back then so I thought it was a nickname at first. Nowadays, I get the occassional "You're one of them kind of folks, aint ya?" look, but not too often. Some people honestly believe I'm different because I'm asian (yes, I live in Tennessee).
When was your first real gay relationship? Alan asked me out April 22, 2002. Well, technically, his mom asked me out for him because he couldn't bring up the courage to actually ask.
Ever been really, really in love? Three times. The first one, I had to give up because I knew it wouldn't work out in the long run. Second one, he ripped my heart in two--twice. Third time, we'll be together always.
How do you feel about gay marriage? It's a matter that brings church and state together, hence something that shouldn't even be a topic of debate. Let the individual churches handle that. Instead, debate on gay civil unions and then leave it to the individual states to decide.
Are you sick of kissing "breeders'" asses for normality? I stopped doing that a LONG time ago.
Do you think people choose to be gay or that they're born this way? It's been proven that you're born gay. Bisexuality is a mystery, but being a biphile is a choice. I was born gay, I chose to be a biphile. Those people that do choose to be gay (yes, there are some out there) need to either get off the popularity kick that they are on OR loosen up and try another member of the opposite sex since there are SO many people out there to choose from.
Do you believe in the "gay gene"? It's been proven to be a recessive allele on the X chromosome passed down from the mother's side. If it didn't exist, why would homosexuality exist in nature amongst animals that have the instinct to survive and reproduce?
How do you feel about gay bars? People need to keep their damn hands to themselves. Just because someone is there does NOT mean they want their asses grabbed and groin groped. GO AWAY. I have friends that I'm hanging out with; I'm not there to pick someone up or get picked up by someone!
How do you feel about gay movies/books? I have hated all but one gay movie/book: "Latter Days." Otherwise, I think that the majority of it is just pure sap or the most overly melodramatic crap that over dramatizes gay melancholy. AND, they are always so focused on sex, not the important stuff. So, it's trash for the most part. Why can't there be normal stories where the main character just happens to be gay?
How do you feel about "fag hags" or people like them? There are a select few that get annoying--the ones that pretend to know more about gay people then you do--but what would we do without them? I do know of one "queer lover" guy that hates fellow straight men and only hangs out with gay men, but will never go to second or third base with one.
Are you proud? First of all, yes. Secondly, to the point here, people are proud for the WRONG reasons. I hate all these proud gays and lesbians that do not even know what Stonewall refers to. They don't know how many people suffered, were beaten, jailed, died, etc. for gays and bis today to have even the acceptance we get now. It wasn't just black people that went through hell--our predecessors did, too. So stop wearing the rainbow colors and waving those flags until you know what it is about.

"What good ever came out of the south? I'd say the Dukes of Hazzard and the Blue Collar Comedy Tour were about the only things."
"Now son, you're forgetting Lynyrd Skynyrd and Jack Daniels."

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the 'present.'"

Sensitive Male: Cute! You believe a guy should be able to show his true feelings, which is why you like the sensitive type! Guys such as these are sometimes on the shy side, but they are the most emotional. Not that the other types aren't capable of just as much love, but this type will most likely say the '3 magic words' first! (Which are "I love you") This type doesn't particularly like violence, and would prefer a peaceful solution. He would never expect you to do something you weren't comfortable with. One thing I love about this type is that they never let you forget how special you are.
Take this QUIZ !
You are the COMMITTED type! You like to have one boy and you don't want to share him with someone else. You don't need anyone else but him, and your friends. You're don't stray off the path with him.
Quiz by Take the Quiz ..
Clothing Colors:
- White: Actually trying to look approachable. Some people find it difficult to talk to me.
- Black: It's another beautiful day. I'm probably holding a cigarette.
- Black w/White Undershirt: Semi-Obnoxious. The smile hides evil intents.
- White w/Black Undershirt: Angelic Demons surround me. I'll be the sweetest evil human you meet.
- Blue: Peaceful and calm. Remind me to button up the shirt.
- Multi-Colors: Take everything as it comes. Don't be surprised by sudden noises.
Clothing Type:
- Sleaveless: Depends entirely on color. Beware.
- Sleaveless w/undershirt: On alert. May become twitchy.
- Sleaved Shirt: Lazy or annoyed. Take 2.34897 seconds to judge before talking.
- Wife Beater: Am I wet? If I'm not, then it's hot outside at the least. Get me a drink.
- Wife Beater w/Shirt Around Waist: "Hey honey, how're you?"
- Black Beater: See if wearing a trench coat. If not, safe to approach.
- Black Beater w/Trench Coat: See if having a shirt tied around the waist. If so, you may talk.
- Black Beater w/Shirt Around Waist: "Who're you and why do I care?"
Hair Style:
- Bangs Pushed Back: CHURCH
- Bangs Pushed Up: "I just got a haircut. Like it?" Answer quickly.
- Bangs Roughly Brushed Around: Lazy, lazy. Possibly wearing a hat.
- Bangs Pressed Down: "I don't give a fuck." Also possibly wearing a hat.
- Bangs Slicked Down: Trying to control emotions.
- Bangs Mostly to One Side: Tired. Hand me Vodka.
- Bangs Very Messy: Ungodly Tired. Make sure I don't fall over.
- Different Color Than Normal: Went through too much. Hold me.
- Hair Spiked Up: VERY RARE. Steer clear.
- Guy Jeans/Pants: Careless. Just careless.
- Girl Jeans: Either my girlfriend is with me or I'm actually trying to look a bit decent.
- Light Blue Jeans: If wearing white top, I'm sick & trying to hide it. Get ready to dial 9-1-1.
- Raggedy Jeans: "I aint going anywhere tonight and you can't convince me otherwise."
- Silvery Jeans: "Do you think I care about that stain? Get over it."
- FUBU/Sean John's: "Let's make the most of it tonight. PASS THE JAEGER!"
- Slacks: I'm either at church, some party, or just got laid.
- Blue Jeans w/Stripe: I'm relatively relaxed...sorta. If it's ironed, then that's good news. If not...just stay alert.
- Dark Blue Jeans: "Where's the rum?"br> - Blue Shorts: It's probably hot outside.
- Black Shorts: "Sucka! G-G-G-G-Unit!"
- Shorts in general: "Give me beer."
- Extra Deep: I'm probably talking to people 20+ years older than me.
- Ungodly Deep: Sick. Either that or I've been yelling like a motherfucker.
- Soft: Relaxed in the company that I have.
- Smooth: Ate some chocolate. Not sure why.
- Higher Pitched (For Me): "Yes, I'm still gay!"
- Hick Accent: WAY laid back at the moment. Tired too.
- New England Accent: Really laid back. Feeling numb.
- Korean Accent: Attempting to speak properly.
- Ebonics: Mocking something.
- Hat (Forward): Typical day. Whatev... My hair's probably flat and/or messy.
- Hat (Backward): "Yo yo! What up, homey?"
- Visor: *NEVER FORWARD* I have a wife beater on, don't I?
- No Headware: Probably relaxed. In fact, very relaxed about something. Stay alive.
- Shades (Oakley's): "Whatchu want?"
- Shades (Other): "My eyes really hurt."
- Color Contacts: VERY RARE. In the mood to get attention, but not be spoken much to.
- Unshaven: "I just HAD to wake up. What more do you want?"
- Makeup: Going out.
- Just Eye-Liner: "It's dark...and hell is hot."
- Black Shirt w/White Pants: *VERY RARE* I'll probably refuse to speak English. Show me the proof of your intelligence before you start talking.
- Chain/w Ring: Drenched in old memories. Pass the Tequila.
- Naval Crucifix: Remembering the good days.
- Rings on Fingers: No meaning to this.
- Cologne (True Star): Whatever. Just thought I'd smell better.
- Cologne (Be Delicious): "I'm going out" and/or "I feel really depressed and need a compliment from someone" and/or "I'm spraying Mykel."
- Singing (Off-Key): Probably just had 6 beers.
- Singing (In Tune): Tired, sad, and at 257% sex appeal.
- Listening to Music (Rock): Actually enjoying the music.
- Listening to Music (Rap): Look at the clothes quickly.
- Listening to Music (Classical/Philharmonic): Ignore the hands.
- Listening to Music (KPop/JPop): SING ALONG!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Me, HyunSook & Koji, Bak HyukGeoSe & HeonJoon, Ame no Tsuzumi & Fumiko, MaChao & QuanShi, Yeongaesomun & Chunjio, JakJaeGeon & JaeJook, Minamoto no Tametomo & Shoki, Hatshepsut & Immanun, Djedefra & Khafra, A'shia & Miea, Michelangelo & Marcello, MyungNa & Odin, Loki & Loki, St. Michael, Jesus, Lucifer, Satan, Amon, Beelzebub, Belial, Bell, Ukobach, Metatron, Raphael, Tornealven, Hematite, Amethyst, Hecate, Diana, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Isis, Ares, my grandma from my mom's side, Dawn, my mom, Buddha, Dahli Lama, Zeus, Kim IlSung, Dick Cheney, Frank Castellano, and Victoria R. Wright all in a room together.

Adopt Your Own Virtual Pet! ..

My Blog

The Night Before Christmas (Adult)

Twas the night before Christmas,and all through the house.Everyone felt shitty,even the mouse.Dad at the Whore house,mom smoking grass.I just settled down,for a nice piece of ass.When out in the yard,...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 12:00:00 GMT

My 10 Thanks

Posted by on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 01:28:00 GMT

Rest in Peace, Grandma

80 and a half years...  Quite a while for someone to endure life as my grandmother has. How any human, which only she was, can survive as much life as thrown at her is beyond my comprehension.&nb...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:18:00 GMT

Stubborn Peoples

So now I face something I've dreaded for the last 16 years of my life: disownment.  No, it's not a guarantee, but it might as well be. See, I'm sure many of you are aware of me having two conserv...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:36:00 GMT


(931) 933-3611 Yes, it’s a new phone and I got it today.  For those of you that do care to call, please be sure of the local time (Central).
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:46:00 GMT

Standing By...

How to start...?  I wish I could tell you all that my life has seen improvements, and in a small way it has.  Just last week, I was ready to give up on everything.  My life was falling ...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 19:16:00 GMT


I'm not sure where to begin.  I'm going to try and keep this short, but I doubt it'll be that easy for me, going through my emotions yet again (I'm beginning to understand EMO people now...nah, h...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:37:00 GMT