mike.d profile picture


If you have to ask, the answer is Yes.

About Me

Optimist x Infinity. The Golden Rule is what I live by. Smile, maybe too much? Nah! 0.5 Filipino, 0.5 Chinese. Friends & Fam are my world. Jackass, sometimes, but by your side - Always. Just a guy tryin' to be the best that I can...make the most out of life, and shower all those around me with Love & Respect...Leave this world a better place than when you came into it...Live, Love, Laugh & Learn...there's a time for it all...

My Interests

Surfing, Grinnin', Cookin' and Grillin', Gymming it Up, Teeing it Up, Dining Out, A Good Movie w/Takeout on the Couch, Sushi&Beer, A Great Bottle of Red, Spending Quality Time with the Ones You Love, Self-Reinvention

I'd like to meet:

People who smile more than they frown. Life's too short to be worried about what you can't control......the countries of Europe and Asia...maybe Australia, but definitely Hawaii again-and somebody to come along for the ride, gimme at least one more year, and then have a Bellini with me in Venice -_^..


JACK JOHNSON, DaveMatthewsBand, Sublime, PearlJam, BLiNK, JohnMayer, LinkinPark, RadioHead, Outkast, HOVA, BobMarley, NoDoubt


Snatch, PiXAR Flix, Gladiator, 300, Tarantino Flix, OldSchool, GoodTimes, Thicker Than Water, Sandler Movies


The Food Network (ALL of it!), No Reservations, LOST, Three Sheets!, Rob&Big, HGTV!, SportsCenter, NFL (Go Bears!) & the NBA (Go Magic!)


The Bible, the five people you meet in heaven, Who Moved My Cheese, Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain, and a ridiculous number of magazine subscriptions...


Mom & Dad, My 2 brothers and their wonderful families... I LOVE being Uncle Mike/Uncle Ronald/Uncle Train - love you Eli, Bella & Kaile!

My Blog

KeyWest 2007...

Ahh, Key West a.k.a. Margaritaville a.k.a. "Where's the Tylenol & Gatorade?" a.k.a. "I did WHAT last night?!?....Seriously??" Oh man, let's see, saw amazing sunset after amazing sunset, started th...
Posted by mike.d on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:26:00 PST

And Another #1!!!!

Can't really believe it as I type up another UF Championship celebration, but "Them Gator Boys" brought home a Back2Back CHOMPionship in Basketball!!  So proud of Lee, Al, Corey, Joakim, and Taur...
Posted by mike.d on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:36:00 PST

Newest Addition to the Dy Family - Kaile Lan Dy - PICS...

As you all may know by now, (because Uncle Mike won't shut up about it! haha!) Beautiful healthy baby Kaile Lan Dy was born to proud parents Nicole & Eric Dy on Friday, January 12, 2007 at 4:31 a....
Posted by mike.d on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 11:22:00 PST


You could just feel it, from the first game of the season, to the very end, where all of the pieces just fell into place.  Say it with me Gator Nation, the University of Florida is the 2006 Natio...
Posted by mike.d on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 10:08:00 PST


It's OFFICIAL boys & girls...the GATORS are going to be playing the Buckeyes for the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP on January 8, 2007!!  WooHoo!!  GO GO GATORS BABY!!! ...
Posted by mike.d on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 05:23:00 PST


Things happen in your life where you have no control or say in the matter.  Change happens, and you're forced to evolve into a better person than you were before.  Yes, it hurts sometimes.&n...
Posted by mike.d on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:14:00 PST

T-minus 10-Days...

Vegas in a Major way.  Comin' up the weekend after next.  I'm already takin' asprin and drinking water.  Pack it up boys, Caesar's here we come...Howie, this one's for You...
Posted by mike.d on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:38:00 PST

Dammit man...

All the 'Heads out there remember gettin' your early fix on kix.  Mine has been with me for my whole life, but now I'm startin' to main-vein it.  Sh*t's outta control, but I am enjoying the ...
Posted by mike.d on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 04:07:00 PST

Here we go...

...looking back on the past thirty years, I just want to say that nobody appreciates being blessed by my friends, family, and loved ones more than I do.  I thank God every night for each and ever...
Posted by mike.d on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 11:59:00 PST

I got a new girl...

She's about 6'0", white (well, mostly), really thin, and she has the most BEAUTIFUL curves.  She'll be arriving in about 3-4 weeks.         ...man, I can't wait for my ne...
Posted by mike.d on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 02:46:00 PST