Surfing, Grinnin', Cookin' and Grillin', Gymming it Up, Teeing it Up, Dining Out, A Good Movie w/Takeout on the Couch, Sushi&Beer, A Great Bottle of Red, Spending Quality Time with the Ones You Love, Self-Reinvention
People who smile more than they frown. Life's too short to be worried about what you can't control......the countries of Europe and Asia...maybe Australia, but definitely Hawaii again-and somebody to come along for the ride, gimme at least one more year, and then have a Bellini with me in Venice -_^..
JACK JOHNSON, DaveMatthewsBand, Sublime, PearlJam, BLiNK, JohnMayer, LinkinPark, RadioHead, Outkast, HOVA, BobMarley, NoDoubt
Snatch, PiXAR Flix, Gladiator, 300, Tarantino Flix, OldSchool, GoodTimes, Thicker Than Water, Sandler Movies
The Food Network (ALL of it!), No Reservations, LOST, Three Sheets!, Rob&Big, HGTV!, SportsCenter, NFL (Go Bears!) & the NBA (Go Magic!)
The Bible, the five people you meet in heaven, Who Moved My Cheese, Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain, and a ridiculous number of magazine subscriptions...
Mom & Dad, My 2 brothers and their wonderful families... I LOVE being Uncle Mike/Uncle Ronald/Uncle Train - love you Eli, Bella & Kaile!