I'd like to meet:
Whoever is unfortunate enough to run into me.
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12 Monkeys, American Psycho, the Big Lebowski, the Big One, Bowling For Columbine, Clerks, Clockwork Orange, Dead Alive, Donnie Darko, Farenheit 9-11, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club, Full Metal Jacket, Grass, Gummo, Haggard, High Strung, Julien Donkey-Boy, Mallrats, Planet of the Apes (the original... fuck Marky Mark), Roger and Me, Schizophreniac, They Live, Where the Buffalo Roam
Brave New World, Days of War Nights of Love, Primal Screamer, Shibboleth, You Don't Have To Fuck People Over To Survive