HOW A FAILURE TURNED INTO A WINNER... Hi, and welcome to my site. I am not sure how you found my site, but I do know that it was no accident. I truly believe that nothing just happens. It is easy for most people to talk about their triumphs and their victories, but in reality it was the failures that made them into the person they are. My journey up to this point has been one in which I have found things out about myself that needed to be exposed in order for me to succeed. I am here today telling you to your face that I Hope You FAIL!!! .... That's a bold statement coming from someone that is supposed to be inspiring you instead of ticking you off. I understand that you may be saying to yourself at this very moment that I am on the wrong site, but if you leave now you will be doing exactly what I want you to do. OK- If you are still with me, then its time for you to get to the nuts and bolts of who I am and what makes me the authority on SUCCESS AFTER FAILURE.. I am a 35 year old man that has been on the top of the mountain and in the valley. I graduated from High School in'91 as a Blue-Chip football player and earned a scholarship to the Univ. of Tenn at Martin. Upon my freshman year of playing I suffered a catastrophic injury that ended my career. Not seeing the benefit in going to classes after that point because my sights were on the NFL, I quit going to class. FAILURE..... I entered the US Navy and completed their Electronic's Technician School and were prepared to go on with my life in the military.Due to the injuries sustained in college I was not able to perform my duties and was released from the Navy on disability. I looked upon that as a,,,, FAILURE..... Upon me coming home from the military and starting my new life outside the military the entrepreneural spirit within was awaken. I begin to get involved with a company that was selling many different gadgets including a laser pen with an alarm on it. I was head over hills in love with this company and I was determined to show the world the WONDERFUL PRODUCTS that they had. After being involved with this company for 6 months I made a total of $300. I thought everybody needed and wanted these products, boy was I WRONG,,,, FAILURE.... I joined another networking company after this experience. This company had the world's best vitamins and the world's best compensation plan. My upline leaders were making so much money that I thought they were printing money. I was never able to reach them directly because of their heavy travel plans and them being always gone to show off their NEW MARKETING TIPS.. What a bunch of crap that was. I still hung in there hanging on to their every word for 2 years and I made a little money, but never the amount of money that I was promised. Only if I would follow their simple steps to success. I did follow their steps, to the tune of 3 maxxed out credit cards,,, FAILURE.... I begin working a job at the local bread bakery and made decent amount money , but as life would have it they closed the plant and went out of business. I was once again looking to make money depending on someone else to provide me with a JOB. This left me to looking for another means of income while I working on my dream life of working from home. The only problem is at this time I was losing my home. I begin to further develop my self while facing divorce as well as mounting bills. FAILURE.... This allowed me to get a job at a convenience store and the drive was rekindled. I found another networking company that was blazing trails of success, only the trails were not coming down my street. My sponsors were making globs of money, but I still was at zilch. I lost friends and respect from my family members because I refused to give or give up on my dream of being financially free and JOB free. I begin to feel utter rejection from my family when I went to one of my cousins to share the biz with him and he did not join with me, rather he aligned himself with someone else a week later. This was the last straw. I was now more determined than ever to make this thing work. FINALLY,,, I can now say like the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said. "I have seen the promise land." If you want to see what we are doing to change lives throughout the world visit
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There have been many successful people that were left behind at one time or another in their quest to become successful in the networkmarketing industry. Through many trials and error some have attained levels of success that they were searching, while others still struggle needlessly. This lens will deal with the sponsors role.
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