ravecraft profile picture


About Me

Hoi jow ik ben zeer tevtreden over m'n
nieuwe album dat online staat
Digital Music Transfo
te vinden op ravecraft.burn.at
(is oek aan te schaffen..(.wel slechts mp3 128kbps, da's goedkoop),MAAR!!___--~~≳

18 nummers, 75cent per single,8€99cent voor het volledige album???
ik ga ook asap
een deel van m'n DMT , dat nieuwe album, op myspace plaatsen en een mix ergens zoeken te zetten die de originele versies ver overtreft
"Unconditional Time Mix"

SO you can NOWWW go by (or buy?!) my newest album

Digital Music Transfo

contact me via e-mail for 44,1khz 16bit cdi (wave) versions...
just go to ravecraft.burn.at


I'm Sammy and I love to make music.
I listen to psychedelics since my 16 (1994) without knowing it was goa (astralasia, elysium, eat static, ozric tentacles, kyuss).The real stuff I discovered two years later in Paris, where I bought my first psychedelic trance cd called 'psychedelic goa trance'. This was a cd released by the french broadcast 'Radio Fun'. Well I liked psychedelic very much, liked the trance, but hadn't got the slightest idea what 'goa' was. It was a very nice encounter. No sticks could slap me away from the phones in the shop. The first track was 'the earth' made by 'Prana'. The ecstasy was all in my vains.
"where the f*ck do they play this music" Nobody in my environment liked it, and never I found any information, at first. When I talked this over with my good friend Ward, he knew the answer. He introduced me in 1997: my first party -ECSTASY-DANCING-PEACEFULL- people, I danced whole night.
I started making music in 1995, working with a vertical sequencer in DOS, namely Fasttracker II, first even with the first FT. In the beginning I made alternative techno and krautrock under the name 'adappter'. Some of my creations were played on underground party's by friend dj's. Later I switched to another style namely psychedelic industrial techno.
In 2003 I had to let my computer repaired. That damned pc-maker made a mistake and almost all my songs were gone. Luckilly I had a few of them on a back-up cd. Unfortunately I didn't have them all. I had to work really hard to restore my back-ups into songs again.
In 2005 I felt my music was ready for a party. And so I did on 'Psychedelic Distortion'. People were dancing on my goatrashindustrial and I was happy. After the party somebody broke in to my appartement and stole my working gear, except -very luckilly- my small harddisk with the original score on it.
In 2007, after two years producing nothing, I changed course, making more minimal music in a new working environment. I started making music with generators, virtual synths, VST and other plugins in Fruityloops. Havin' a lot of fun exploring and expanding (but I'm not sure I'm going to keep using this program).
I try to make original music, not psy-style bound, though I really like (no, I ULTIMATELY LOVE) the existing styles and they always get me euphorically dancing. Off course I try to bring the goa-story in my songs. Really take the time to listen. I know I have still some things to learn though...
Will people dance again listening to my personal view on psytrance, who wants to book an unusual artist, and other questions are for later. First I want to create a set of songs that makes me satisfied.

3ö PLURpower 3ö

My Interests


Member Since: 10/02/2008
Band Website: ravecraft.burn.at
Band Members:
tram6o4 for booking or demodisk contact me here on myspace or even better mail to [email protected]
vooral psychedelic trance, ook techno, trance en allerlei psychedelica.
Sounds Like:
klinkt als...mijn brein ik breng u een setje van m'n eigengemaakte muziek waar je hier al een beetje van kan voorproeven (ik zit nog in de experimentele fase moet ik zeggen) (maar ik ben wel Meester over FastTrackerII, dat kan je hier beluisteren op SoundClick - eerst komen m'n psychedustrial tracks (een vergeten stijl...)gegroepeerd op m'n album 'lunar ticks' dan komt m'n eerste werk in verscheidene muziekstijlen van het album 'adappter early works 1995-1997' (vanaf nummer 10 is dat) m'n oude albums en singles zijn nu online aan te schaffen via SoundClick volg gewoon de link die hierboven staat...ik speel ook... ik speel een eclectische mix van stijlen als downbeat psy, ambient, trip hop, lounge, ... in uw chill-out...


sounds like...my brain I bring you a set of homebrew sounds (here on MySpace some beginner experiment) (but I am Master in FastTrackerII, check it out here -- on SoundClick: first come my psychedustrial tracks (a forgotten style...) grouped in the album 'lunar ticks', then follow my tracks in other styles grouped in the album 'adappter early works 1995-1997' (begins at track 10 on SoundClick) you may now purchase online my first albums and singles via SoundClick just follow the link above...I also play... I play an eclectic mix with styles like downbeat psy, ambient, trip hop, lounge, ... in your chill-out...
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

After 10.000 scores programmed First Realtime Edited Track (Bit shaky though)

na eindeloos partituren is hier mijn eerste op het moment zelf aangepaste liedje, ik weet nu dat ik wat echte knoppen nodig heb dan zal het wat minder wibbelen...
Posted by on Thu, 28 May 2009 21:32:00 GMT

THANKU & SHORT FEW MONTH BREAK (to pick up guidance in oscillator handling later on)

In order to make any signifcant progress I will take the guidance of a fellow (to be acknowledged, I cheer my wishes very soon to u)I urgently need lessons in oscillator handling to make any significa...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 18:16:00 GMT

druk druk bezig in zeven sloten

amai amai, ik beloof je dat er nog wat leuke muziekjes aankomen, geniet (of schrik) alvast van de acid-toestanden uit 'fairies fucked up flow' -- dat nummer is trouwens in de partituur even volledig n...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 23:20:00 GMT

DEMO "lunar ticks" NU ONLINE, trekt op niets en daarom uiterst fantastisch demooke

Posted by on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 14:24:00 GMT

'k sen er weral

Vooruit dan weeral maar allez komaan 't is weer zover dus voila dat is opnieuw weer het geval dat is duidelijk dus nu weet je het maar verder en nog inhoudslozer voortbreien aan deze blog is me wat te...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 21:24:00 GMT

oldies score on demand

als je zin hebt in tracken (met bv scale, renoise, madtracker, fasttracker,...) en je hebt dan ook nog zin om aan andermans werk te prutsen dan zend ik op uw verzoek de partituren van m'n creaties in ...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 20:13:00 GMT


Hello, you were invited and you contented with playing in a psychedelic night of variation and NOW i know. It's not gonna be in spring 2009 but at least in spring 2010. I still hope your interest rema...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 08:40:00 GMT

teruggevonden en wat ik kwijt wil...

ik heb wat oude muziek van mezelf gemaakt in FasttrackerII in DOS online teruggevonden (ik was daar toch wel goed in vind ik achteraf beschouwd). Erg leuk nu m'n eigen website ff kwijt is in cyberspac...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 19:29:00 GMT

ibr geretracked op request (Ward) en nieuweling

Amai, heel de week getracked in fruityloops om "trance maffia connections", één van mijn laatste nieuwe fantasiekes en "in-between reality" geretracked omdat Ward de clown die in een vorig leven dj wa...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 20:03:00 GMT

kebbet gevonden

Die bel synth van "fast generation" heeft distortion gekregen, er zijn wat partijen veranderd en bijgeplaatst. De melodie wordt ook op een bepaald stuk anders,misschien werk ik er binnen een halfjaar ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 13:05:00 GMT