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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

1/5 of the Flagstaff Arizona based classic rock and roll band THE SHIFTERS. I'm a physically 56 yr old and emotionally stunted working musician. So who cares? lets talk about THE SHIFTERS................... Oooohhh.... Haven't updated this puppy in a long time We had a great time at the "Denim or Diamonds' Gala..?. We will be at the Pinewood Country Club for July 4th......Pinewood Country Club was a blast, we played loud enough to keep the thunderstorms at bay. Lots of dancing and requests (Miley Cyrus???) We had a great time, Got asked to come back for Fourth of July 2010 which was kind of nice. Doing the 'Climb to conquer cancer' up on the SnowBowl Mid August again which is really awesome,A few private parties, that will be a blast....Getting booked up with weddings....We've got over 50 songs on our playlist...Did the Sultana and only repeated one song, and that was by request....oohh do I sound like I'm proud of that...I am, when we started we were excited to start and stop all together. Now we start and stop together and mumble or shout the words that actually go with whatever song we play,...uh..... most the time...weeee!!! We are legends in our own minds. Hey, check out our web site

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

There's a number of people I'd like to meet. Lindsey Buckingham, really interesting guitar work. I would of liked to have met Bob Marley for his view on life, the same with George Harrison. I really don't trust published works that say they are someones view on life, I'd guess that they would be fairly sanitized. Pretty safe bet that it won't happen anyway since 2 out of 3 are gone.I still have the chance to get to know my granddaughter, 5 years old. Now that's fun. Its getting a bit scary, I got a T shirt that says "I Rock" with a picture of a rocking chair. hhhhmmmm, Hey, I don't know if I've ever felt sorry for myself in print before. Might be a new thing for me. Oh, we bought a sailboat, man, this thing is older than most of my shirts and socks but it works and Karen and I have been sailing around the Sea of Cortez, still within sight of land, really, still creeps me out to not be able to see land time. There is this scene in Beetlejuice (the Movie) that I would like to know whose concept it was. When the new owners moved in to the Maitlands house and the father was all happy about the peace and quite, he started birdwatching. The first bird that he saw in his binoculars was this awful looking black scrawny greasy looking thing eating some gooey piece of crap. The only build up to the scene was that the father had this beautiful Audubon style book with all these beautiful birds in it, which he was going to use as a guide. The whole build up and gag took no longer than 10 seconds. I'd seen the movie more than a few times and this was the first time it registered on me. Oh, its obvious that I'm easily amused.

My Blog

Oooo, the Internet worms

I'm totally pissed about getting infected with a worm, who am I pissed at, Me. I can be such a dumbass. I sent this freakin thing to all my 'MySpace Friends'. Let me rephrase that, the worm sent itsel...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 09:06:00 GMT