well nothing exact but we do do fun things..hitch-hiking, adventures everyday for sure...from pouring pop all over ourselves, to making up wierd words like "JOOPS!" hahah funtimes baby! lov yah!
someone that likes moonlit walks on the beach, sharing slop buckets, and the soulful sounds of the backstreet boys.....that guy that stands on the conor that has more wrinkles than a elephants scrotum and is uglier than a hat full of ass holes...and a queer penguin named max....
haha depends on whos driving and whos the one putting the cds in... "oops sorry babe left your cds at home...." hahah love ya but for the most part umm anything...
as long as it not the hills have eyes we are good to go...and deff not any of the dvds we have ...seen em all 1000000000 times!
yah have one...its prety big...oh then theres ghetto vision.. and MXC is the best shit ever... kj loves her CSI and law and order!
umm the hippie guide to Y2K and the anger book.. hahah yah free books at the library!
well ourselves of course...jking..i duno tinkerbell and silver surfer! haha yah kick ass