Public Vibe started at the end of 2006,A.Fresh and C-Quic started this all once we found out that A.Fresh wrote songs and was a lyricist,and A.Fresh always wanted to be a rapper but didn't really know where to go.C-Quic didn't know about this but when he found out we got straight to brainstorming and really getting into each others heads and finding out where we wanted to go with everything,once that happenend there was no stopping us from pursuing this,the music became our everything and we would work(still do) on this tirelessly,we started to see a lot of progression and thats more so when we realized this is what we should be doin with our lives.We got extremely lucky when we met Afro Boy and seen his talent,he has blown us away and the 3 of us together have been through so many ups and downs,we study hard on this music business and we believe in each other as induviduals and we are gonna make it.We won our high school talent show and it was amazin to be on stage and all i can say is theres no stopping from A.Fresh, and C-Quic.....PUBLIC VIBE.....!!!Public Vibe Presents A-Fresh N Afro Boy