This isn't high school, it's not a popularity contest I want actual friends that can take two seconds to write a message to me and hold a conversation, not a nameless face on listed amoung the others on a friends list that is meaningless by overflowing it with whosoever happens to add you on a whim. no flakes.
I'm me and I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. please say whatever is on your mind or what you want, I would greatly appreciate it.
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, that the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had. (points if you know where this is from)
I'm me ask what ever you would like to know. I'm great, love me or hate me but I'll just keep being me. do you really expect to get to know someone by reading these? I'm not going to read yours, if I write or respond its because I want to talk and find that out about you, if I wanted to read I'd grab a book....I can come off cocky at times if I dont know you or you dont know me, women like confidence but as soon as you have something good to say about yourself you're arrongant. confidence and cockiness is a fine line, I think I walk it pretty well. I'm straight forward, have a dry sense of humor, and am sarcastic, or at the very least i'm honest and blunt. That's not even close to all of the real me, just not everyone gets the whole picture because they are fast to judge. judge away. I joke around a lot so dont take things too seriously otherwise....well otherwise you're probably not fun and then you shouldn't talk to me. I thought I told you to talk to me why are you still reading this, and why aren't we hanging out yet?