jym profile picture


easter is for assholes.

About Me

body parts, chalk lines and nice neighborhoods. to make a believer out of me means progress lost. you've been pacified by the blackest of hearts. just a giftwrapped lie in a cheap breadbox. fistfight, tantrums and red face sweat. a headlock situaton with tightness of the chest. let me remind you god dammit, you made this mess. i roll the dice in this blame game, you have no turns left. drama spiked cocktails and bullseye shots. holy fire nasal drip then stomach pain starts. i see myself with straws involved in random conversation. the monday morning sun will crack the canvas of my painting. dead end job, gravity, the farmers great plague. twist the knife and leave it in, then slowly walk away. there's waiting rooms for more bad news of failing health and cash. sit patiently, only to find out there's no way you can last.

My Interests

opinions and opinions about those opinions.

I'd like to meet:

people who won't talk about what just happened. just now.


i am music.


the other white meat


adult swim

