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Only when one is fully conscious of his or her true Self as separate from the mind, can one accept or discard whatever the mind delivers – which constitutes
Your challenge in life is to maintain your independence without feeling isolated or ineffectual.
Come to truly understand the ancient and fundamental principle of opposites that seek harmony.
You want to help others, and have a talent as a
healer and could make a profession of the healing arts, either as a nutritionist, alternative health therapist (acupuncture, massage, for example) or doctor.
You must learn to provide more than merely a shoulder to cry on. Study and the development of your healing skills bring you great rewards in life.
People see you as cheerful, positive and charming; your personality has a certain bounce and verve that so
powerfully affects others that you can inspire people without effort.
U must learn to concentrate and focus.
You have great potential in the arts and areas
that requires creative solutions to problems. You are able to perform leaps of imagination, providing unconventional ideas as if they suddenly descended from above
Though you possess great verbal skills, your mind tends to see life as pictures rather than in words. Yet, you have the ability to think abstractly.
Focus your life; choose the area that you love the most, and commit. There, you will find success. And a great deal of happiness.
You are a born peacemaker. You are driven by a desire to settle conflicts and create harmony. You are a healer and a visionary. You long to make the world a better place,
and cannot rest until you have dedicated your life to some worthwhile cause.Your realm is ideas and philosophy. You are attracted to the world of energy more than to the mechanical or material planes. Philosophy, religion, and less traditional forms of healing are among your specialties.
LeVar, you understand the importance of close, loving relationships. Therefore, you are selective in choosing your friends and spouse. You are a romantic, idealistic, but somewhat impractical person.
You have a magnetic and charismatic personality. You like pondering abstract matters. Your intelligence is electric. You are highly charged and intense.
You want to make a difference in life, you radiate with a dynamic and efficient energy. You appear controlled and capable. You value courage and effort in the face of difficulties and these qualities show.
Others can sense that you will not be pushed around.
You are fashionable, but have your own style.LeVar, you are recognized as a pioneer; you have your own ideas of how to do things.
You are a risk-taker, original and highly creative.
With self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who you
are, what your true goals in life are, and what direction you want to set for your life. This, in a nutshell, is the gift of maturity: You no longer waste time and energy on things that are not within your own special identity.
Be practical, methodical, and systematic in your endeavors. Keep track of details; avoid chaos. Work on the basics of life. Physical and outdoor activities bring you closer to yourself, so get out in nature, work in the garden, or build a fence.
Be more decisive; don't beat around the bush and be straightforward when expressing your thoughts and
feelings. You need to take charge more often.
Get off the beaten path and find original ways of doing things. Do not try to be conventional, or try so hard to behave according to the expectations of others.
the only road to success is through patience
and attention,
this talent can be seen as having a power all its own to shape your life. Its existence gives you a strong desire to develop and to express that particular ability.
Having the talent demands that you express it, that you experience this part of you, and that you live according to its nature
LeVar, you are a survivor, a warrior, a leader
LeVar, you are highly social and have a gift for self- expression. You love to entertain and attend parties. You are exceedingly popular, and a good friend
You are highly talented in one or more of the arts -- writing, acting, music, or painting.
You need excitement. You are very inspiring and motivating to others. You are blessed with a considerable amount of charm and charisma. You are highly optimistic, which can make you a bit of a rolling stone. You think that the grass is always going to be greener on the other side of the hill.
you need discipline and focus to make the most of your talents.
you love travel, change, and new challenges. You are highly adaptable and versatile. You have a talent for languages, and are generally good with words. Writing,
promotion, and public relations work suit you perfectly
You are sensual and a bit impulsive
Your desire for freedom is extremely strong and it will take effort and discipline to stick with whatever it is you started. There is a tendency to give up a project or situation prematurely
Commitment in relationships and your work is fundamental to your happiness. You may have a tendency to wander from person to person, job to job, making depth of relationship or deep expertise difficult
you have a natively strong constitution. You are versatile and resourceful. You have a flexible body and quick reactions.
You are attracted to the new and exciting. You seek knowledge and understanding through experience.
You go about life in a unique and innovative way; you avoid the conventional and traditional.
You can absorb great quantities of information quickly and retain the important points.
You are impatient with routine procedures, and will rebel if forced to conform to any existing pattern for very long. You like to be involved in several projects at the same time. You are dynamic and resourceful
you use your emotions like a catalyst to push the
boundaries of your limitations. When that is the case you are capable of great achievements.
LeVar, you have great intuition and insight in abstract and metaphysical matters. You seek a broad perspective on all intuitive matters
You have an inventive mind and likely have a talent as a writer or composer
Yet, the clarity and analytical abilities of your mind are
sufficient to provide you with insight into the problem, and a clear path to its solutionYou can be engulfed in the emotional aspects of the issue, which clouds your mind and prevents you from using your clarity to find an answer. Get past the emotion and you will find an answer.
you are an independent thinker, original, and not easily influenced by others.
You tend to solve problems and plan projects with a straight-forward approach. You rarely allow yourself to be distracted
LeVar, you tend to intellectualize experience, which can make you slow to react
You are honest and sincere. You are not prejudiced. You give easily and have a good-natured disposition. LeVar, you move quite often and travel more than most. During times of emotional stress you are prone to minor accidents. It is very important for you to maintain equilibrium in all aspects of life.
You learn quickly and usually do not repeat the same mistakes. You want to be rewarded for your efforts and relate your success to the material aspects.
You are dependable and solid in almost any kind of situation. You do not panic or scare easily. You have a business-like attitude to problems and realize quickly what needs to be done. You have a good understanding of money and matter. You are a survivor. You show leadership and organization and are physically courageous and competent
You are an antenna for other people̢۪s feelings; you know before a word is spoken how they feel.
This challenge makes you understanding and compassionate; you have an enormous
empathy for the inner turmoil of others and can do much good for people with emotional
Your First Cycle (from birth until age 29) is 3
A time of heightened self expression and much social support. Any ability you possess in the arts, especially in writing, acting, or dance, will be brought to new heights and meet with much reward. LeVar, you are socially active as never before. You will appear to others as charming, attractive, and even charismatic. Be careful not to waste your energies on too many superficial projects or relationships, however. The time requires discipline and focus in order to make the most of the great upward energy that is filling your life.
U will feel inspired and helpful. There can be change in career, travel, and possibly another residence. You are attracted to new and adventurous experiences,
including love affairs. There can also be marriage. Although this is a good letter for finances there may be a lack of focus and a more frivolous attitude, which will adversely affect your chances of real material progress. You feel attracted to new religions and philosophical ideas.
Your Physical Transit for age 30 is V
The letter V is the most mystical and spiritually powerful of numbers. LeVar, you will
be very intuitive, experiencing revelations and moments of deep religious understanding.
You will be very inspired but will need time alone to contemplate your thoughts. Financially this is also a good time. You will have opportunities to invest in promising
enterprises. You pay off old debts and experience increased prosperity. You will have to keep a tight control over your projects and listen carefully to your intuition.
Your Mental Transit for age 28 is N
LeVar, you will have opportunities to expand your horizons. There will be adventurous experiences and travel. A change of residence is very possible. This is a dynamic time with many new activities. You will make some important social contacts. You search for love and fulfillment. Sacrifice, adaptability and flexibility are called for. You will also be concerned with finances and may worry too much about these matters. You tend to be
forgetful during this time. You will also feel more sensual than usual. Physical exercise is important during this period.
LeVar, you will be better able to express yourself. You are more creative and original.
You will be intuitive and may experience premonitions or other psychic experiences. You feel more adventurous and make several new friends. There will be an increase in social events. You are capable of self-promotion. This is a good time for business, especially sales.
Your Essence at the age of 28 is 15/6
Unselfishness and a willingness to be of help to others are the keys to your success. You will likely experience advancement in business, career, and financial matters.
Progress comes more easily during this period, as new opportunities open up to you.
Your ability to love and be loved will become starkly
clear. The key is to be balanced and centered when dealing with all authority figures. Refuse to act rashly or emotionally. Remain focused and in harmony with your long-term goals. If you keep a strong hold on your ideals, you will gain many supporters and admirers. This brings many great rewards and much appreciation. New and lasting friends come into your life now, and many seek to advance you along the lines of your abilities.
Those with artistic talent, or already working in
the arts, will find their abilities greatly enhanced, with many new and rewarding chances for advancement.
Your Essence at the age of 29 is 13/4
you must be orderly and disciplined. Attention to detail in all areas -- especially in personal finances and business -- is a necessity. Your workload will likely increase.
Only through the correct management of time and resources will you be able to apportion your energies correctly to meet the increased demands made of you.
Only by dealing with reality -- that is, by facing situations exactly as they are, and not how you might like them to be-- will you be. Avoid feelings of restriction or limitation. Be economical in all your expenditures. Be
sure to care for your health. Maintain a healthy diet and follow a sound exercise routine.
Pay attention to preventive health methods and get the rest you need. But know when to allow yourself some breathing room. Be moderate in all things, including moderation. Balance is the key to this period.
Your Essence at the age of 30 is 12/3
LeVar, your ability to express your self will reach an all-time high. Any talent you possess in the arts -- especially in writing, acting, or other performing arts -- will be greatly enhanced. This is a period of success through personal creativity. You have
much opportunity to advance yourself and career through your own personal expression,
charm, and creative talent.
This is a social time, filled with much fun and friendship. You will feel lighter, fresher,
and more alive than in previous years. It is as if life has relieved you of a burden, allowing the more creative, upward, and joyful energies to flow more freely.
People are naturally attracted to you. They sense your joie de vivre, your spirit, and creativity.
Your challenge is to focus your heightened creativity on a worthwhile task. Discipline is essential. Choose a goal worth reaching. Pour your energies into something that will last. In this way, you will emerge from this period having accomplished something worthwhile, and learned to harness your creative abilities.
If you fail to focus, you will likely spend your opportunity and creative urges on loose talk,superficiality, and socializing.
This is an emotional period. The upward, heart-centered energies are peaking, bringing with them many old emotional issues. You can easily exaggerate the
importance of an unkind word, or react too emotionally to a troubling situation. In short, you need perspective now.
LeVar, you are in a highly volatile period, making you highly creative, sensitive, and given to emotional mood swings.
You are highly romantic and given to fantasy. There can be many wonderfully romantic times; however, it is important to avoid being swept away by your fantasies. Do
not fail to see people for what they are.
This is a time when you will learn the value of your personal expression, and your own
uniqueness. It is a time of personal accomplishment and advancement.
Your Personal Year for 2006 is 8
see the light at the end of your financial tunnel and an inner strength and confidence is breaking through. This is your year of harvest and, depending on the effort you put out in the past seven years, your reward will be equally large.
So this year you will have an
opportunity to involve yourself fully in work and material growth and bring home the rewards, at the same time a certain detachment is also necessary, for you and for the
experience you have because it is not the reward that brings you happiness but your experience of life, which is why before the rewarding eight year you have had such
opportunity for growth during the soul-searching of a seven year. Give in to your ambitions, you will find yourself more clear and focused and able to pursue and reach your goals. LeVar, your power is visible and strong, mental creativity is high, vision and intuition will guide you, and at the same time you are more efficient and focused.
Your Personal Year for 2007 is 9
This is your year to finish up all unfinished business, LeVar, to clean house and make
room for new things. On a material level this is a good time to get rid of unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore and to pay off old debts. On a spiritual level you will experience a different mode altogether. Your attention should turn to others and their needs, find ways to be of help and give time and energy to worthwhile causes. You must lighten your burden of questions and doubts and the best way to do so is by directing your attention to another direction, away from yourself and you will find yourself becoming lighter and more in touch with your self. This is a time of completion, problems can be solved and over with, strained relationships relax or disappear, the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt with. Be social and communicative, enjoy music and other arts. LeVar, your creativity is higher than usual. There can be some difficulties this year due to your desire to face obstacles and overcome them, decisions have to be taken and courage and strength may be severely tested several times, this is not going to be an easy year all the time but you will feel relieved and on the brink of a positive breakthrough by the end of this year. This is the
end of a nine year epicycle and will you will feel many times the excitement of a new and promising era when optimism is your friend but you will also experience the fear of letting go, however the more you let go the more room there is to be filled during the next
Your Personal Month for December 2006 is 2
LeVar, December is a 2 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Year and shifts the focus to relationships and all affairs of the heart.
Co-workers are demanding, not only in work-related matters, but also in personal areas. You may catch some flack, or become involved in conflicts that don't appear to
have anything to do with you. All your tact and diplomacy are needed to maintain harmony in the work place. However, you are better equipped to deal with sensitive affairs than usual and you manage to diffuse most of these potentially explosive affairs.
Pretty much the same experiences await you regarding relationships with relatives and friends, but here too, you are able to keep the peace.
LeVar, your intuition and sensitivity are your strongest assets during this month.
There is, however, also a need to stand up for yourself. Someone is about to claim credit which rightly belongs to you. Again, diplomacy and tact are required to solve this problem.
This is also a good month for negotiation and financial affairs, particularly concerning
loans and mortgages.
Romance can be powerful, but may cause problems when money is involved.
December 21) Unexpected events. Change of plans. Be flexible. Rely on your
intuition. Be decisive. Travel possible and favored. Be social.
December 22) Responsibilities. Financial opportunity. Domestic affairs. Counsel and
comfort. Self-sacrifice. Friendship. Emotional strength.
December 23) Contemplation and meditation. Mental strength. Insight. Distractions
at work. Need for patience. Relax. Avoid emotional confrontations.
December 24) Money matters improve. Ideas. Visionary. Good day for business. Be
generous. Romance shaky. Honesty in communication is important.
December 25) Creative. Good for finances. Possibly problems with someone close to you. You are misunderstood. Emotional stress. Loneliness. Melancholy.
December 26) Be aggressive. Take charge. Drive and determination. Originality. New projects. Others look at you for direction. You will meet someone new.
December 27) Sensitivity and intuition. Dreams. Psychic insights. Success at solving personality problems. Tact and wisdom. Love and romance are highly favorable
December 28) Optimistic and upbeat. Healing. Motivated. Chance to impress others.
Communication. Scattered energy. Creative. Romance. Perhaps superficial and irresponsible.
December 29) Need for dependability. Demanding. Progress. Be focused. Don't make promises you can not fulfill. Don't procrastinate.
December 30) Change in career. Dynamic. Hectic. Unexpected events, may include
travel. Restless. Social events. Watch for lack of self-discipline.
December 31) Family matters need to be taken care of. Friend or relative brings good
news. Loyalty. Guard against interfering in someone else's life.
Like, am i suurounded by the word "attraction" or what? i know a couple of u out there who will especially enjoy these words...
~ you are a vibrational being in a vibrational environment
Let us create a more perfect world. See the good works you can do and want to do. Imagine them being completed. Focus on what you want and why. See your life unfolding in a manner that brings a smile to your face. If you wish for more abundance ask for exactly what you want. If you wish for a more loving relationship ask for exactly what you wish to have in your life. If you wish for more vitality, energy and beautiful body love who you are and ask that your cells regenerate themselves exactly as you wish for them to be. And ask for your purpose to be that which brings you fulfillment and happiness... Success comes to those who ask - ask and accept that it is given. Be at one with your request...
Every time we focus on something we are calling it towards us. With our thoughts and beliefs, we invite people, situations and material things into our life. Often we can use our energy in resistance. Many invoke this law without being aware of doing it.
Your conscious mind can discriminate between a negative and a positive instruction