Foxx Tale Productions is a San Antonio-based minority-owned theater and film production company, originally founded in 1999 as a publishing company, Manisy Willows Books. The focus of the company grew from book publishing and the name was changed in 2007.Originally intended to produce the works of Bestselling Author Nina Foxx, Foxx Tale Productions is devoted to improving the state of theater in the African-American Community. Its mission is to enlighten, entertain and enrich through music and quality stories on the stage. The company prides itself on bringing a better theater experience into urban communities.
In 2006, Nina bought back the theater rights to her novel, Marrying Up, which had previously been optioned to a national producer. In an effort to produce quality shows, Nina re-wrote the show and the music and set out to turn the urban theater community on its edge. With multicultural stories and universal themes, Foxx Tale Productions is garnering attention from around the country.
While enjoying the attention from national promoters and talent, Foxx Tale Productions maintains a commitment to casting Texas-based talent as much as possible. The majority of the cast for the upcoming productions are Texas-based.
Foxx Tale's projects include: Marrying Up, based on the novel of the same name, by Author Nina Foxx. The show stars an eclectic mix of talent from Austin, San Antonio and Houston, as well as national television and music stars in key roles. Talent in the production includes San Antonio’s own Jacqueline Crater, Brooklyn Brewer (Houston), Sondra Johnson (Austin), Songstress Casme Barnes (Nashville), Reginald Johnson (Houston), Darrell Grant (Houston), as well as nationally acclaimed singer and actor Gary “Li’l G†Jenkins of the R & B Group Silk, Gospel and R & B Artist, Tony Terry and Comic View’s Keisha Hunt. The show originally opened featuring Archie Love from the Bar Kays, Comedienne Thea Vidale and Melinda Doolittle, who later went on to finish third in the 2007 season of “American Idol.†Foxx Tale Productions is collaborating with The San Antonio Film District on this project. Also in the works for next season is a play based on the book Just Short of Crazy, a finalist for an Open Book Award in Comedy Fiction in 2006.