Well there isn’t much to say really we don’t give a shit about most things, we just live for HEAVY METAL.
Scott and Josh started the band (ST.LUCIFER) in 2006 when they found themselves skiving all there school lessons to go and play in the school music rooms. They played in a small shed at the bottom of Scott's garden were they created most of there first songs. When we first started we played smoke on the water for months. It was fucking awesome playing that shit all day but it started to get a bit repetitive so we began writing our own songs. At first we was very much a cross between IRON MAIDEN and DIO so the music was good at the time but looking back on it now....it sounds fucking shit and its piss easy to play, so we scraped and changed most of it. Now we’re advancing we're beginning to make our shit sound a lot more together and professional. We think its way better than our old stuff as its much more heavier and way more fun to play (but with josh still chugging like a mother fucker we've still got the true original ST.LUCIFER sound of chug which sounds pretty fucking good...) We're hoping to record some shit soon but we're still looking for a BASSIST (who does not need to be amazing just good at what he can play) and a SINGER so it fucking sucks because we're nearly ready to start gigging and shit but we need more members. We have all the shit written down for a BASSIST and we even have some lyrics written out we just need sum geezers to play and sing them.
If anyone can help us with a SINGER or BASSIST can they let us know?
So yea enjoy the site and stay true to HEAVY FUCKING METAL!WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO DO: We are just doing what we love doing most, playing metal as fast as we can as loud as we can and as disrespectful as we can make it. We’re saying a huge METAL UP YOUR ASS to the whole world and to all the pricks that live in it. We're saying "fuck rules we're sticking it to the man and keeping it true metal."
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Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com!RECENT NEWS: ST.LUCIFER has found a new sound, its more heavy more fast more kick ass more ST.LUCIFER.