So apparently people think i'm pretty and want to take my picture...I am SO ok with that!
Feel free to contact me on Model #636957
My name is Hayley and I am a Plus Size model(not so big on the BBW scene) hoping to get my start out there and reming people that beauty comes in ALL different varieties, shapes, faces. I believe in the creative process, originality, organic talent, and AS LITTLE AIRBRUSHING AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!
I'm also the type of girl who's idea night is dinner at Po' Folks, renting musicals or adventure flicks and then playing guitar hero or WoW all night. Yeah i'm a nerd!
I'm energetic, lovable (so i'm told), quirky, bright, bubbly, vivacious, polite, and a lover! I'm an art major on her way to graduating college and i am SO stoked!!! I'm all about little art projects. If you want to check out my work go to
Thanks and God Bless!
Me & the lovely, talented, stunning, and all around astounding Miss Pasta aka Tig Bitties! She's MINE!
Thanks Clint!