My name is Eleanor Davis, and I am the sister of Leta Davis, and the daughter of Ed and Ann Davis. I got a myspace account because I thought maybe it would let me access pictures of/info about my sister being wild, which I then could use to blackmail her. On finding and attempting to use said information, I was soundly rebuffed when my sister called me "a phoney" and "affected" and said I "had an attitude."
Other than trying to irritate my sister, which always seems to backfire anyway, I live in Savannah, Georgia where I study illustration and "sequential art." I have two cats, and a boyfriend.
If you are a grownup than you can go see my webpage at Doing Fine. If you are a friend of my sister's you can only look at it if you promise your parents won't get pissed at me. (There's some minor noodity.)
Also, check out the less offensive page of my boyfriend Drew Weing!
ALSO: our shop page. Little House Comics .
Oh hey yeah, and I also have a livejournal which I actually update and stuff.