About Me
Dear you,
so, call me erika. im smart, beautiful, kind, oh, and dont forget SINGLE!! i have my phone with me 24/7, so call me, text me, or just find a way to get a hold of me. i attend junior high at tuner, and remember, if you are messing with my friends, you're messing with me, so dont even try. im serious. my sisters are awesome, my parents are awesome, my friends are awesome, my life is pretty much awesome. one more thing, if you think you're better than me, you're wrong, and if you think that you're not wrong, then keep dreaming while i prove it to you. it can be the easy way, or it can be the hard way. your choice. remember, im the bigggest, baddest woman this crazy town has ever seen! Peace out peple
~You know who.