Travel, as much as possible. International cities(I've probably already been there) Surfing, Kite-surfing, Skiing, Boating, Working out, Bars/Clubs, pretty much anything that is fun. HAWAII my second home. Favorite cities: Chicago in the summer, Buenos Aires in the winter, and San Sebastian Spain.
Find my old friends from days past and anyone new that is fun and exciting, who shares the same intrests as me.
I like just about all music, but to name a few specifics; Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Jack Johnson, Foo Fighters, Tom Petty, U2, Bob Marley, Rage Against the Machine, Pepper
The Big Lebowski is amazing, Zoolander, Borat, Supertroopers. Wedding Crashers, you know, guy movies!
Lost, I want to watch 24 from the beginning, Seinfeld, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Sopranos, Sex and the City, Miami Vice (IT'S AWSOME), Nip Tuck, Flip That House, Design on a Dime, Band of Brothers, The Shield
The Conquest of New Spain, Lord of the Flies, A million Little Pieces (until I found out he made it all up, The Great Gatsby
My Parents