Mr.Guy profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Write in Hebrew with BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: GuY ShmueL
Birthday:: June 2 , 1988
Birthplace:: LoNg IsLaNd , NYC
Eye Color:: BroWn
Hair Color:: BlaCk
Height:: 6'2
Weight:: 185 lbs.
Right handed or Left handed?: RiGht
Your Heritage:: JeWiSh
My Worst Habit:: I ThiNk SmoKing AnD BiTinG My NaiLs
Zodiac Sign:: GeMiNi
Shoe Size:: 13's YO
Pants Size:: 34 x 32
Innie or Outie?: HUH =/ ???
Parents Still Together?: HeLL YeH
The Shoes You Wore Today:: PuMas
Your Weakness:: PuSSy
Your Fears:: HeIghts & NeeDles
Your Perfect Pizza:: PiZZa HuT
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: PASS SKOOL
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LoL...LmaO...haha....dude...so0o
Thoughts First Waking Up:: I FaLL RiGhT BaK AsLeeP , I DoNt ThiNk
Your Best Physical Feature:: U TeLL Me =)
Your Bedtime:: WhEn Im TiRed
Your Most Missed Memory:: ISRAEL 05'
Favorite color?: BLUE & BlAck
Food?: ChInese , RuSSian,IsRaEli,MoMz FooD
Sport?: FooTBaLL,BaSeBaLL,BaSkeTBaLL
Animal?: DoG & CaT
Ice Cream?: JaMoCa
Candy?: SouR PaTch
Store?: AbErCromBie and FiTch
Salad Dressing?: 1000 IsLands
Actor?: ME...HAHA
Song?: RiGhT NoW .... HaNds Up by 50 CeNt
Letter?: G
Number?: 21 =)
Gum?: TriDent
Holiday?: HaNNuKa .... 8 FuCkiNg PreSenTs
Season?: SuMMer
Toothpaste Flavor?: FrUiTy
Radio Station?: 105.1 , 105.9 , 97.1
Perfume?: FieRce
Scent besides perfume?: FruiTy CaNdLes LoL
Body part on the opposite sex?: TiTs & ASS haha
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: AcTor or PhsYcoLoGist
How Do You Want To Die?: WiThOut PaIn
Turn ons:: NiCe BoDy , PeRsOnAlIty , SmeLLs GooD, AcTs SwEEt, ReSpeCts Me,AnD Is LoYal
Turn offs:: OppOsiTes Of Ons + AcTs StuPiD,ChEatErs , AnD UsErs
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: I ThInK AdAm
Who's The Loudest?: MIKE
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: PauL
Who Have You Known The Longest?: AdAm
Who's The Shyist?: HUH =/ ???
When Have You Cried The Most?: WhEn ThErE WaS A HUGE FaMiLy ProBleM
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: LooSinG SomeBoDy
Worst Feeling?: U JuSt AsKeD ThAt ReTaRdO
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: NYC or IsRaEl
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Ummm , IdK
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: At LeaSt 50 , I HoPe
Let's walk on the: SaNd
Let's look at the: BeAcH
What a nice: NaMe
Where did all the: FiShes Go
Why can't we: FuCk , HAHA
Silly, little: KiDs
Isn't it weird that: WeeD Is IlleGal , BuT PaIn KiLLers AreNt
Never under any circumstance: Am I GaY
I wish: I HaD 9999999999999999 DoLLaRs lol
Everyone has a: BrAiN
I am: NoT A DuMbAss
Been In Love?: YeSS
Been To Juvie?: LoL No , I DoNt GeT CaUghT
Mooned Someone?: LMAOOO YeaH
Been Rejected?: YuPP =(
Ran Away From Home?: OnCe
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: LoL , I ThInK EvErY GuY DoEs ThaT
Skipped School?: YeSS , 2 MuCH SkOOl
Thought About Suicide?: YeSS =/
Slept Outside?: NoPe
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: HaHa YeSS
Cried In School?: YuPP
Thrown Up In School?: YeSS , VeRRy EmBaRResIng ....WhEn I WaS A LiL KiD
Wanted To Be a Model?: No
Cheated On Someone?: YuPP
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: HaHa , So MaNy ThInGs
Seen A Dead Body?: ThAnK GoD No
Been Bitched Out?: HuH =/ ???
Drank Alcohol?: EvErYBoDy DiD
Smoked?: YuPP
Been On Drugs?: WeeD OnLy
Eaten Sushi?: LoVe It
Been On Stage?: YuPP
Gone Skinny Dipping?: ShIt Is ThE BeSt
Shoplifted?: ToO MuCh ShIt
Been Drunk?: NoPe
Been Called A Tease?: YuPP
Been Beaten Up?: JyNx QuEsTiOn .... NoT AnSwEriNG
Swear?: YeSS
Sing Well?: IdK
Shower Daily?: YuPP
Want To Go To College?: HeLL Ye
Want To Get Married?: Of CoUrSe
Believe In Yourself?: Ye , A LiL
Get Motion Sickness?: NoPe
Think You Are Attractive?: IdK ... U TeLL Me ;)
Get Along With Your Parents?: MoSt Of ThE TiMe
Like Thunderstorms?: Ye , ThEy CooL
Play An Instrument?: DrUms
Own An IPOD?: OwNeD =(
Pray?: YeSS
Go To Church?: NoPe ... I Go SoMeWhErE ElSe
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: NoPe
Keep A Journal/Diary?: NoPe
Dance In The Rain?: LoL...WaT Do I LooK LiKe A DuMbaSS
Sing In The Shower?: LoL , Im NoT ThAt BoReD
Pepsi or Coke?: BoTh
McDonald's or Burger King?: BuRgEr KiNg
Single or Group Dates?: SinGle
Chocolate or Vanilla?: ChOcOlAte
Strawberries or Blueberries?: StraWbErrIes
Meat or Veggies?: MeAt
TV or Movie?: AreNt ThEy ThE SaMe ThiNg....MoVie ??
Guitar or Drums?: DrUmS
Adidas or Nike?: NiKe
Chinese or Mexican?: LMAOo ,ChIneSe
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: ChEEriOs
Cake or Pie?: CaKe
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: DaMn ThIs SuCks
Boxers or Briefs?: BoXeRs
Do The Splits?: LoL , Im NoT ThAT FleXaBle
Write With Both Hands?: NoPe
Whistle?: YeSS
Blow A Bubble?: YeSS
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Uh HuH
Cross Your Eyes?: YeSS
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: YuPP
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: LoL No
Dance?: YeSS
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: NoT ReaLLy
You Touched:: IdK WaT WaY U TaLkInG AbOuT
You Talked To On The Phone:: MiCheLLe
You Instant Messaged:: NeYer
You Hugged:: My MoMz LoL
You Yelled At:: CaNt ReMeMbEr
You Played A Sport With:: SkOOl
Time You Laughed?: WhiLe HanGinG Out Wit JoSh
Time You Cried?: CaNt ReMeMbEr
Movie You Watched?: GlAdiAtOr
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: OrAnGe TrIdEnT
Joke You Told?: IdK
Song You've Sung?: HaNds Up by 50 CeNt
Where Are You?: My RooM
What Can You See Out Your Window?: TrEE , Car , StReet, FrOnT YaRd
Are You Listening To Music?: YeSS
What Are You Wearing?: BoXers & WiFe BeAtEr
What's On Your Mousepad?: DeLL
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: HeLL YeAh
Do you believe in miracles?: YuPP
Magic?: NoPe
Love at first sight?: I ThInK So
God?: Of CouRse
Satan?: LoL YuPP
Ghosts?: YeSS
Santa?: HeLL No
Evolution?: I DoNt ThInK So
Fav Eye Color:: Im NoT AnSwErInG ThEsE QuEsTioNs, Im NoT GaY LoL
Fav Hair Color::
Short or Long Hair::
Best Clothing Style::
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: RoMe
Number Of CD's I Own:: A LoT
Your Good Luck Charm:: My DiCk HaHa
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Do you drink milk?: YuPP , A ShIt LoAd Of It
Person You Hate Most:: Umm ... No CoMMeNt
Most Outdated Phrase:: IdK
Do you think God has a gender?: IdK
Where do you think we go when we die?: JudGeMeNt
How many rings until you answer the phone?: As SooN As I HeAr It
What is something scientists need to invent?: HoW To DuPlICaTe MoNeY
Are you a health freak?: NoT ReaLLy
Are you a virgin?: IdK
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: ThE SuN , PlUto , AnD AnoTher UnIveRsE
What is the worst weather?: OvEr 100 DeGrEEs
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: LoL , Im NoT GaY
How many grades have you failed?: 9th , I NeVeR WeNt
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Your A MySpace Genuine Friend!
Your a unfeigned person who likes to make friends and will give most people a chance as long as they don't seem to weird or bizarre! It's your down-to-earth qualities what makes you popular. Your confident in yourself not to go collecting friends for the sake of it, you'd rather have a network of friends you can get to know and have fun with! Well done...i like you!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts
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pothead You enjoy partaking in your fair share of herbage.
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Sconex Quizzes
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The Worst! You are the worst kind of student there is. Do you go to school just to cause problems?
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