Totally in to the sexiest guy alive
A Body Piercer
*Sings* An arms dealer
Happy, Fun & Immature
Not in the mood to put up with ppls crap
EXTREME!!! (watch family guy & ull get it)
Rock n Roll
Insane, no lie most the time I dont even know whats going through my own head
NOT Trendy
Hella Funny
A firm Anti-Emo supporter
A Hopeless Romantic
A Great Cook
These are the girls that mean everything to me
These are the kids that party like no1 else.
These are the girls who no matter how much of a stupid bitch i can be still love me :-)
This is my family, & they're better than urs.
These are the people who i'd die for... Anyday
These are the girls who have ALWAYS been there.
These are the nites that i will never forget.
This is us... bringing sexy back lol
This is the girl who will listen without any judgement
My First True Love, My Favourite Accident, My Only One