I'd like to meet:
november 1, 2006: stressing out and ready to give up
i'm at a point right now where things are just getting too hectic even for me and about ready to just give up. i've finally cracked down on the whole 'i hate school' concept -- whenever i said it, i didn't mean itlike i do now ... i cry over this stupid shyt all the time now .. bLah .. in fact, i just wanna go dig a hole somewhere and just bury myself alive right now -- even if it's my only mean of getting away from school.either way, i'm suppose to suck it up and deal with it -- coz you know what -- it's my last year .. and it's suppose to suck! uggghhhhh. somebody, end my misery now.
Pros&Cons - week 9
Quiz 2 - chapter 5
new media lab
final cuts - video
flash interface
presentation day on 11/15
history ii
book review - 11/2, the lives of the artists by giorgio vasari
final exam - 11/16
project management
in-class assignment - due thursday, 11/2
in-class assignment - due tuesday, 11/7
final exam - 11/16
career c[r]apstone
all assignments - due 11/2
last day of class 11/2
other important stuff
prepare portfolio
go see alves
print out spring internship/co-op application - due 11/7
new business suit [coz i'm a dummy for forgetting all of my suits at home during the summer - talk about jet-lagged]
pack for holidays - make sure i have my flight itinerary
clean room - before leaving
go to boston and hang out with this dork? and also to remember to bringsome extra, necessary items -- coz they're so unprepared -- wtf! you guys need to do some grocery shopping around your place! how the hell do you people not have food -- and you twocook!?!?!?!?! makes no daymn sense to me, folks.
october 30, 2006: another layout !?! what`what !?!?
i made a new layout not too long ago, and what happened to it !? shredded and gone. i got tired of it and i didn't like it much -- and lately i've had something more dark-grungy-rebel in mind. originally i wantedsomething more with stripes and dark colors .. i really couldn't decide so then i just worked with this one -- featuring princess ai. anyways, today was another lab day -- and luckily uli has a heart and noticedhow tired i looked, so she suggested i just go work on my project 'at home' like i've been doing, pretty much this entire term. so yay -- thanks uli, you're the best
!! also, shauna told me that imissed a video today in ethics -- i'm pissed .. like wtf, man. i love watching senseless, unethical corporate blunders -- goes to show how corporate america is, and people never really look at it in their everyday lives unless it started to affect them.
well, this is pretty much all -- i need to finish up some more school work that's on that list below -- so yeah .. ya'll enjoy your halloween evening tomorrow night. latersz.
october 29, 2006: i think i'm on-track today
so far this morning other than realizing that we're back on
standard time - now for those who tend to forget, it means your clocks are
back one hour. so anyway, i've done laundry and havebeen doing my crapstone hw that's all due on thursday [which is the last flippin` class of the term!
finally !!] and then i've got all the other homeworks that are just caving in on me one-by-one,day-by-day.
as far as i'm concerned -- i've been meaning to crack down and just go mental over all of my school work .. and everything else i need to do before i screw myself over for the rest of the school year! ugh! ihate this already --- anyway, here's my memo-minder or else i'm fucked!
Pros&Cons - week 9
Quiz 2 - chapter 5
new media lab
final cuts - video
flash interface
history ii
book review - 11/2, the lives of the artists by giorgio vasari
final exam - week of 11/14
project management
in-class assignment - due tuesday
career c[r]apstone
all assignments - due 11/2
other important stuff
prepare portfolio
go see alves
print out spring internship/co-op application - due 11/7
new business suit [coz i'm a dummy for forgetting all of my suits at home during the summer - talk about jet-lagged]
pack for holidays - make sure i have my flight itinerary
clean room - before leaving
go to boston?
october 25, 2006: stressed&extremely PO`ed
i have the
most annoying neighbors this year. instead of being able to enjoy my day, without hearing such a shitload of noise -- no, i have to hear it. no, i don't need to be hearing your damnconversationsthru my wall nor do i need to hear you bitches yelling either. your music choice [as of the moment] -- really
sucks .. so shut it off
!! and i didn't even bother to go to new media lab today --iemailed uli and checked with her to make sure that i still have one more absence, and she said 'yes, you still have one absence -- have a nice day :]' ..
sweet .. now, only if myproblemsthat's stressing me out weren't the thing. *sigh*
anyways, i'm just chilling today, i know i have to work on that assignment that i'm suppose to be doing -- then all day tomorrow after pm, work on crapstone material and then do whatever else i need to do cozit'sgetting really to that point. matt better say we can go to boston around nov. 3-4 -- i need a day off from providence. all right -- let me stop with my boring-ass day today .. and everyone else, have a
happyhumpday october 24, 2006: skip day
ugh! i'm taking another day off tomorrow -- just to fucking do school work and try to get
everything done before the end of the term! i hate this entireschool year -- it just fucking sucks all together. anyway, so it'll be my 1st day of missing history ii and then my 2nd absence for project management -- i justdon't give a damn anymore. *sigh*
october 22, 2006: new best friend
i laugh everytime i watch this clip of her. she's sooo stupid. lol, rose ann, you're my fave [fake] ading. originally this clip was aimed towards matt and howshe's saying she wants to be his new bestfriend lol. go figure.
stalking? i think not.
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october 21, 2006: new look
here's another layout i thought i'd post. this time it's another one of my photos that i took while i was out and about with my roomie up in thayer street. if youguys want to see the original photo, please
visit: deviant art .
and i've come to realize, how much i've been slacking today since i got up this morning --- what have i really done today? not much except: make a layout, 2cups of coffee, take pictures, shower,
attempted to work on my pros
&cons of business ethics, kinda worked on nml material, and played games online -- so far, i'm doingpretty shitty according to my list of things to do. wtf!! ineed to really try harder and do my school work!!
bLah !!
p.s., i'm on such a caffeine overload -- my brain hurts
i hate school already___
kressa [kree`sah]
22 - yes asshole, i'm 22, not some lil high school kid
majoring in CG&NM
from vabch, but stuck in rhode island
anime/manga watcher/reader
shy [only when i don't know people]
quiet [don't talk much, but i listen a lot]
loves theme parks&especially rollercoasters!
hyper&crazy [not the psychotic type!]
loves photography, singing, learning a new language, music, movies, travel, video games, and gadgets
loves people who can make me laugh and act just as stupid&crazy like me
i like guys who aren`t into their looks even they know they`re fukkin` hott already [don`t need another girl!], has to be funny, just as goofy, friendly,[naughty]&nice - he can`t always be a bad boy - i`d have to spank him! lol - bad boys are good too!
a history buff [i`m asian, but i stink in math - so don`t ask me]
owner of 4 sugar gliders [they`re marsupials, look them up!]
guys who talk ghetto&dumb to me
guys who try to talk to me on the streets [you can compliment, but don't holla at me like that - i hate drawing attention]
guys with no manners&respect for people [especially for females]
people who think they`re better than everybody [you`re not special - your mom only says that - you`re like everyone else]
early morning classes [7:10 is killer]
fake people [you know the one - the one you see on the streets around campus]
lil high school boys who try to hit on me [this one never gets old -- i'm 22, not 16 or 17 -- leave me alone!]
a friendly note____
in most cases i don't really accept friend requests, unless i feel like i should be adding you. other than that, i only request those who i find interesting, fun,lots of energy, inspirational, unique,
real, and can relate to me somehow or another. but other than that, you're more than welcome to try andrequest me -- you never know, and messages are welcomed, but i treat them the same way. so don't get hung up if i don't write back.
old layouts___
not a photo i took. something i saw on createblog.com. too busy to say much, just do what ya'll do best.school year.
how i started out___
so here I am starting with a whole blog again for myself -- using nothing but ordinary HTML and whatnot. How did I get started? Well, first, I had my inspirational [sister, not by blood],Rose Ann , who was big on web designing in the later `90s. At first I think she had a site on A0L when she used to have A0L back then. Then shemoved her site around online and she would always show me her stuff. So of course, I was a bit envious by her skills coz she's 5 years younger than I am -- and that kinda made me
feel a bit intimidated and behind with the whole technology thing. And of course, when I took Geography with
Mr. M00RE in high school -- he wanted to introduce us with web design and had topresent one of our class projects to him in a web-site format. From there, I got interested in learning how to do web designing that I ended up in these locations for a while:
asianavenue.com : I think I started with this one back in 1999 or 2000. I`m not quite sure -- the amount of HTML you could put onyour page was
soooo limited and I really didn't like that, so I decided to move out of there.
geocities.com [but under a different name]: I used this one for a while when I was looking for someone to host me online -- why I didn`tbother to keep the domain I bought 2 years ago, I don`t know -- I got a lil tired of the name of it that I don`t even bother talking about it =/ For a while, I used my other one -- I think I was on it from 2000-2001. Sosad, but oh well. I moved on.
bravenet.com : This one was pointless also, I used it the same time I had my other geocities account, but never kept up with it -- I don`teven know why I had 2 at the time! I think I was just obsessed with learning HTML that I needed something to keep myself pre-occupied while I slacked off in in some of my classes, especially when it got tomy senior year, 2002-2003.
perfect-moment.net : From geocities, I got hosted by Jenn [don`t know her new URL these days, she gave P-M.net to one of the other hostees that`s been with her longer than I have].
xanga.com : This journal is still pretty much alive and running =] but i'm not giving out the other address on there that i use these days cozof the shyt that happened. other than that, if you know it -- then good, if not, sorry. been a part of xanga.com since October 2002. i keep it activated onlybecause chrischoi is my inspiration and laugh-out-loud entertainment on xanga.
LJ.com : Same concept, don`t know why I have
another blog -- I haven`t updated it in a long time though. I think the last time I touched it, it was sometime during the 2004-2005 school year =/ Pathetic.
hapanese.com : I was going to keep this one up-to-date for my friend, since it's her domain .. but eventually, we never got to it =/
makeshiftonline.net : Eww. Rose Ann made me
join this last month when she was making one for herself and we were chatting on AIM
, and she was like, "
Make one Ateh -- while I figure out how to work this." This one was pointless -- it was kinda cool at first, then I got tired of it also.
and then there's this one:
deviantart.com : Here's where I post up all the drawings and whatnots I`ve done over the years. Hopefully I can find the stuff I drewback in middle school when I was big on Sailor Moon .. hehe. I have so much drawings and sketches I`m working on these days and trying to get posted on here as fast as I can.
layoutby: kressaM
photo/icons: j-pop
smilies: kao-ani.com
heyloooo ...