Casey Sherman is the author of the acclaimed true crime thriller, A Rose for Mary: The Hunt for the Real Boston Strangler (2003) which chronicles his decade long search for his aunt's killer, Mary Sullivan (believed to be the youngest and last victim in the Boston Strangler case). Mystic River author Dennis Lehane says A Rose for Mary, "turned my blood to ice". Best-selling true crime author Ann Rule says "we look forward to more books by this very talented young writer". Sherman is also the author of the Amazon best-selling novel Black Irish (2007)about an assassination plot pitting two brothers against each other. One is a cop on a journey for justice. The other is the IRA's most feared assassin who is out for revenge. Both are on a collision course where only one will get out alive.Sherman has just finished a sequel to Black Irish, called Black Dragon that will be released in the summer of 2008. He's also completed work on The Finest Hours with co-author Michael Tougias, about an incredible Coast Guard rescue which is slated for release in 2009. He's just begun work on his 5th and 6th books, a sequel to Black Dragon and Bad Blood: Freedom and Death in the White Mountains. The book will be an examination of the deadly confrontation between Franconia, New Hampshire police corporal Bruce Mckay & Liko Kenney in May 2007. Sherman is also a contributing writer for Boston Magazine & Boston Common Magazine and has worked 15 years as a television news producer. Sherman has appeared on dozens of television programs including The Today Show, America's Most Wanted, Good Morning America, The View, The CBS Early Show, CBS 48 Hours Mysteries, Dateline NBC, Unsolved Mysteries, CNN Anderson Cooper 360, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, The Travel Channel, The National Geographic Channel, ABC World News Tonight, Fox News & MSNBC.Sherman's work has been profiled by People Magazine, Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly, USA Today, The New York Times, The Boston Globe & The Boston Herald. Myspace Backgrounds Sherman is a 1993 graduate of Boston University and a 1988 graduate of Fryeburg Academy, Fryeburg Maine. left:0px; top: 0px;" border="0"> style -About-Black/id/1938365889 th-WBZs-Casey-Sherman-About-Black/id/1938365889Find more videos like this on AN/dp/0595430805C:..Documents and Settings..csherman..My Documents..JUST PUBLISHED.htm Black Irish: Others: Casey Sherman
BUY NOW! Not Mary's Murderer, So Says The Nephew Of The Boston Strangler's Last Victim -
Casey Sherman on the CBS Early Show - Cape writers pull out the creative stops with new works of history, fiction
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