Mike profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am awesomeness condensed into human form. I think I should let you know, my journal will be written as a documentary, it will be like me telling you what my life is like. I know I could write like I was documenting for myself, but I'll make it easy & write like I have an audience. Oh, and no poetry ... I suck at that. So here you are, welcome to my world. A place of geek vices, anger management issues and faux philosophy.............My name is Mike, I'm 30 years old and I have an 8 year old son. I have my own house, my own car & that's about it. I'm contradictory, hypocritical and not a great speller either. I am passionate about what I believe in and I am often mistaken by my passion for being closed minded. I actually change my mind quite often, experience does that to you. I am a single father, due to mom deciding that parties & clubs were more appealing than motherhood. I don't blame her ... now ... I can understand why she did it, I just don't agree with it...........I have a roomate whom if you surf the internet you probably know him. He loves the Buffy mythos, he has quite the online "rap" with girls, doesn't have a picture of himself and chats online often. As I said, you probably know him..........I don't have a girlfriend because I quite honestly don't feel like having one. Sure, no sex sucks, but I also like being able to do what I want when I want. That and I'm not really looking for a girl. I also figure if Trish Stratus decides to hook up I don't want to be tied down in a relationship..........I find racist jokes funny, but I find racism disgusting. I wish us white folks had better slurs than just simply cracker or honky. I realize I probably offended you but I have to be honest otherwise what's the point of it? If I lie to the anonymous reader than what kind of person am I? ..........I plan to lose weight this year as working formerly at a Call Center PACKS the pounds on. Not that I'm not comfortable with myself, but the hotties don't dig fat dudes. And if you don't believe that, you're lying to yourself..........I hate the lack of accountability in this world. Nothing is anyones fault. it disgusts me that our society is filled with people who quote "It's not my fault." like it's scripture..........I hate conversion by the sword. I can't stand being lectured to about how wrong I am and how right the screaming person is. I DON'T CARE HOW GOOD VERONICA MARS IS .... I'll watch it when Amazing Race is off the air. I know you're appalled by abortion, but I'm a dude ... I can't have a baby, so I don't need to be spouting my views off to everyone like I'm speaking gospel truth. I know smoking is bad, but I don't recall the "Winston Death March" where we were all rounded up in middle school & forced to smoke cigarettes & eat McDonalds. Last time I checked that was all stuff we shoveled in our own mouthes..........Ladies ... what's up with handjobs? Do you think you can do it better than we can? I got myself down to 45 seconds ... without visual stimulation. It's like me trying to show a termite how to eat wood..........I used to smoke weed, before my work instituted mandatory random drug tests. I know it's a horrible wicked evil tool of Satan ... but Doritos NEVER tasted so good. And don't get me started on Cheez-Its..........I love my son, I love him more than anything else in the world. I watch him grow up and I hope more than anything else I'm doing more good than bad. I want to have a son who loves his father and understands that I'm not perfect but I try my ass off..........I love my friends, all of them, it amazes me how we go through life and fail to recognize what's truly important in our life. Are Plasma Screens, Golf Memberships, SUVs, prada bags & Nike apparel the best things in life? Why have we mistaken materialism for genuine feelings? Why do people place so much value on their bank account, but their friends are just color to their life? ..........I love laughing. I laugh all the time, at everything..........And I also love you ... honest.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's funny, my friends in real life, because I don't get enough of em in the real world, I want em to horn in on my internet life. Anyone who works in the EA legal dept so I can smack em in the mouth for monopolizing Football. "We can't make a better product, so we'll not let anyone else put anything out!!!" Anyone with a good story. My AIM is Matwood316. I also wanna say, if you wanna ADD me as a friend, at least send me a letter or respond if I send ya one. Otherwise I see no reason to have silent friends. Oh, and this guy .... .. ....Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

My Blog


Im addicted to hookers. That sounds worse written than in thought, so let me explain. I was chatting one day with my pal Niki (Guilty by Association) and we were discussing Craigslist. She was buying...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 19:18:00 GMT

Last Week

What a mess of a week. I have been doing all kinds of stuff & and if you believe that youre a mess. The fact is Ive been sleeping, watching movies, weird videos on the internet and going to an amazi...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 04:26:00 GMT

Table saws and fingers don't mix

In lieu of writing about the posh restaurant the GF & I will be headed to in two weeks or the employee who pretty much asked to be fired by one of our top clients Ill write about my fathers accident...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 05:57:00 GMT

it's cold ...

I have been freezing. I know that considering the rest of the country my temperatures have been no big deal, but I have been freezing. What happened was my AC has broken. In two months this would neve...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 03:48:00 GMT


I have an addictive personality. I cant help it. When I love something it becomes my everything. I cant seem to do stuff halfway, I am there or Im not. Be it a game, a movie, a drink or even an opi...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 05:10:00 GMT


In the comments of my last blog Rachel called me Porterhouse. Porterhouse is my nickname for when Im an ass with money. It all stems from my time in Orlando at a Bachelor Party. I had gone up there w...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 04:46:00 GMT


My goodness Ive been gone for awhile. I cant help it. Ive been super busy. I picked up a girl that actually thinks kindly of me & its a little disconcerting at times. I find myself looking at her ...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 21:15:00 GMT

The devil’s playground

Idle time. I used to never realize just how much idle time I had on my hands. Hours whiled away on things like cards, drawing, reading, surfing the internet, watching every TV Show I could imagine, bl...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:19:00 GMT

Hide & go seek

It's always in the last place you look. That is such a dumb phrase. To quote numerous comedians everywhere, "Who keeps looking after they have found it?" But, I have recently found that something in ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 20:42:00 GMT

Plan for tomorrow ....

Have you ever wanted to embrace something but are unable to? Lately things in my life seem to have brightened up and gone well. I’ve been exercising regularly, losing weight, got promoted w. a ...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:29:00 GMT