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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a simple kind of guy. The best things in life are free. It seems that society is more impressed about what kind of job you have or how much money you make. The material things come and go. I am impressed most by the person that is by my side at the end of the day. True friends and true relationships last the test of time with just a little work. But all great things do come with just a little bit of effort. Just trust in God and he will help you get through your troubles in life. I find myself more and more with the motto that things happen for a reason and people come into your life for a reason. It is not the quantity but quality of the people you surround yourself with. My theory on that is to never let someone drift out of your life without truely giving your all, that way you can have no regrets. Well that is my feelings on life. I am in my last year of pharmacy school and looking forward to next May!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody that is interesting. Lets go with that.

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