They call me WHPK 88.5 FM Chicago, but you can call me HPK for short. I'm turning 60 this year! I still feel eighteen, though.
* * * * * LISTEN UP, YOU!: Do not post advertisements for your label, club, band, or PR agency, and do not post ANY URLs to your web site. WHPK is a not-for-profit community radio station, and our MySpace profile isn't the space to promote your interests. Boy-howdys from bands etc. are totally cool, and we -will- tolerate some show flyers, provided the design isn't ugly and the band doesn't totally suck. So ask yourself if your band sucks, and think long and hard before you answer. Thanks! -- The Management
* * * * * HEY BANDS!: All materials (i.e., CDs, records, press kits, etc.) should be mailed to: WHPK-FM, Reynolds Club, 5706 S. University Ave., Chicago IL 60637, USA. (Our office phone is 773-702-8289.) Do NOT ask if you can have some "air time" or "get into rotation" -- these words tell us you are a dolt. DO NOT SEND US YOUR BAND'S URL AND INVITE US TO "CHECK OUT" YOUR TUNES. Send us broadcastable material (sound-wise, not music-wise) with some sort of explanation of who/what it is (i.e. a press kit), and we will listen to it and add it to our music library if it's deemed appropriate for the station. Please don't badger our office with calls about your band: at best these are ignored, at worst your CD is thrown out because you're a nuisance.
Thanks very much. "South Sa-ide!" -- WHPK 88.5 FM